Your Say: Feb. 13-20, 2020

Oh, that cover?


Hi! I must tell you how great the cover is! Something appropriate UNLIKE that cover a year or two ago that had a half-naked old lady on there… This cover has a nice color to it. It catches your eye as you try to figure out what those eyes belong to. It encourages us to ‘get outside’! Even in winter. 


—Suzanne Farmer, via email


Remembering Carr’s and Sparrow’s beaches

Great article on the Black beaches. I’m old enough to remember. These beaches are also an interesting historical spot for music enthusiasts. Whenever I mention the beaches….from water or land perspective, people always want to just go see the spot. Sure, one is a big condo unit, and others are neighborhoods or roads to nowhere. However, people want that feeling of “(this was) the spot where….”

So, you’ve done a great job of tantalizing us. Could you now gratify us with a map(s) with the areas outlined well enough that a person could find the actual roads to just drive by. This is a nationwide (actually nationwide) historical area. It is too often only treated with a couple of pictures and pointing out the segregation factor. This was pretty literally the birth of what became the nation’s dominant music performers and music for the rest of the century.

Thanks. Long time eager reader

—Fred Hunt, via email