Sandra Martin Helps Sandra Martin
Dear Bay Weekly:
My name is Sandra Martin, and, no, I am not related to your editor. However, I have been given lots of compliments on the paper, and then I confess to my true identity.
My niece recently visited my husband and me here on Chesapeake Bay. She wrote a short story, “The Age-Long War: Humans vs. Sea Nettles.” Her name is Kim Hanko, and she is 11 years old. I thought it might be a great story for your paper.
–Sandra Martin, Churchton.
Editor’s Note: My namesake was right. Turn to “The Age-Long War” in “Not Just for Kids.”
Twin Beach Players Grow with Help from Friends
Dear Bay Weekly:
The Twin Beach Players want to express our deep and sincere gratitude to the Bayside Community Boys and Girls Club for the use of their facility to rehearse our upcoming production of Steel Magnolias.
As a result of the clear community demand for an expanded schedule of productions by the Players, we have found ourselves in serious need of venues both for public performances and for rehearsals. In this case, the Boys and Girls Club stepped up without hesitation to help us by making their building available for evening use before the Club had even fully moved its own (daytime) operations into the facility. Our hats go off to our fellow community-based organization and particularly to Daphine Coward, Tom Esterly and Pat Elder.
We are looking forward to having the Boys and Girls Club undertake the concessions at our upcoming Steel Magnolias as part of their fundraising.
Readers will not want to miss this event, which we hope will not only be immensely enjoyable but will be memorable as another step in advancing the quality of theater in Southern Maryland. Performances will be August 17 and 18 at 8pm and Sunday, Aug. 19 at 2pm For more information, call 301/855-0009.
- Connie O’Dell for The Twin Beach Players, Inc.
101 Ways to Have Fun; One Way to Landfill
Dear Bay Weekly:
Thanks for “101 Ways to Have Fun.”
Under #21, you mention the Millersville Landfill as a place to obtain free composting bins. Can anyone tell me how to locate the landfill? I was in the vicinity last weekend, but even the locals didn’t seem to know the location.
–Bill Wilson, Shady Side
Editor’s Note: Here’s how. Follow I 97 to Rt. 32 west to first exit, Sappington Station Rd. Exit to right and take Crossing Road to Landfill office. It’s open 8-4 daily: 410/222-6100 x 0.(On your ADC Map, it’s 13-D2.)
We welcome your letters and opinions. We will edit when necessary. Include your name, address and phone number for verification. Mail them to Bay Weekly, P.O. Box 358, Deale, MD 20751 E-mail them to us at editor@bayweekly.com.
Copyright 2001
Bay Weekly