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Volume 10 Issue 37
September 12-18, 2002

Bay Weekly Interview: Mother Nature’s Man in Maryland
Department of Natural Resources’ Chuck Fox
by Melissa Hendricks
Stewardship of natural resources means more than assuring a plentiful stock for hunters and fishermen. Today, says Fox, “the people of Maryland have a much broader appreciation for the outdoors. People want high-quality parks that they can recreate in. They want to have communities that have an open-space character.”

Look Who You’ve Elected!
Taking Toll of 23 Million Cars
How’s Art? Alive and Well in Anne Arundel
At St. James, Maestro Maxwell Makes Organ-ic History
Way Downstream

    • In Virginia, budget cuts decimate Bay research...
    • In Washington, D.C., National Park of the Chesapeake on the agenda…
    • In Rome, 51 turtles came knocking at her door...
    • This week’s Creature Feature: In India, No snake is too lowly to have an advocate.