Volume 11 Issue 40
October 2-8, 2003

On Our Cover
Nature’s Survival Challenge
Photo by Shannan Todd.
Creatures that live in the wilderness are natural masters of camouflage. Humans learning how to blend into the woods use mud, twigs and leaves to cover their bodies. Once disguised, they make friends with rotting, creepy logs and scratchy bushes to make themselves disappear.

Nature’s Survival Challenge
by Vivian I. Zumstein
What would you do if you found yourself alone in the woods at night? Wish you’d learned your lessons in Calvert’s Wilderness Survival Camp.

A Bay Weekly Advertising Special
Celebrate the fall season, and get ready to nestle in for winter.

Underground Solution:
Let’s Force BG&E Into the Modern Era

Isabel In Retrospect
Who can protect us from the vagaries of nature?
by Dick Wilson

The How-To Cowboy™ Presents Another Secret,
Magic How-To Fun Trick
How to Lead a Mexican Jumping Band

Armed and Dangerous
Reminiscences from many seasons of hunting

by C.D. Dollar
Bouncing Back from Isabel

Summer’s End