- Ocean Day Celebration Learn about whales, discover otters and build your own model boat and whale puppets at the Calvert Marine Museum
- Bernie Fowler Day Wade into the Patuxent River
with the man who started it all
The Lost Boys of Sudan
These orphans escaped Sudans death squads, survived years in the wilderness, waited years more in refugee camps only to find themselves home in Annapolis. by Janice F. Booth
Why Cant We Save the Bay
Tom Horton revisits the Chesapeake in National Geographic; reviewed by Dick Wilson
A Second Helping of Free Food for Thought on Living Waters
The water giveth and the water taketh away; by Sandra Olivetti Martin
Heart, Sea Legs and Half a Million Dollars
Thats what it takes to join the historic sailing race from Annapolis to Newport; by Maureen Miller
Wade a Minute
Sneaking into Better Water; by Carrie Steele
Way Downstream ~ Governor Ehrlichs right hand signs memorandum of understanding to improve air quality while his left blocks Maryland from suing for air relief
Meanwhile, Gov. E. strips Big Brother of night-vision goggles
Congressman Ben Cardin stages a love-in at City Dock
Crisfield considers a public ferry across the Bay
And, last but not least, this weeks Creature Feature: South African goats help Silver Spring fight invasive flora.

Editorial Letters to the Editor Commentary
EarthTalk ~ Sharpshooting pests
Dr. Gouins Bay Gardener ~ Too mulch of a good thing: Death by competition
Weekly Crab Forecast ~Crabs wait for warm water; by M.L. Faunce
Bill Burton ~ Fast as a pit stop at Daytona: An old timer remembers when newspapers were hot off the presses
Way Downstream ~ Governor Ehrlichs right hand signs memorandum of understanding to improve air quality while his left blocks Maryland from suing for air relief
Meanwhile, Gov. E. strips Big Brother of night-vision goggles
Congressman Ben Cardin stages a love-in at City Dock
Crisfield considers a public ferry across the Bay
And, last but not least, this weeks Creature Feature: South African goats help Silver Spring fight invasive flora.
Tidelog® Sky Watch ~Walking with the moon; by J. Alex Knol
Earth Journal ~Taking a chance on peas; by Gary Pendleton
8 Days a Week ~ Bay Weeklys guide to good times; by Carrie Steele
Music Scene ~ Bob Dylan at Prince Georges Stadium Forever Young? Nope; preview by Jesse Rifkin
Curtain Call
Flickerings ~ Parker on Cinderella Man: Corny, sure; but with professionals like Howard and Crowe, its a knockout.
Bay Weekly Summer Guide ~ 101 Fun Things to Do this Summer
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