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Letters to the Editor

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Plant a Garden and Save the World

Dear Bay Weekly:

I am a gardening enthusiast. I also care deeply about the direction we are heading as a society and what it means for our planet and our lives.

Remember the spinach e-coli scare. Spinach, and just about any other salad green, is about the easiest thing in the world to grow. We don’t need to increase our carbon footprint to truck it to the dinner table from California and beyond.

You might want to think twice this spring about what you can grow in your own garden and save that trip to the grocery store.

With my small garden, I produce a variety of salad greens, tomatoes and hot and sweet peppers. Last fall I overwintered garlic and broccoli. With the encouragement of Bay Weekly’s Dr.Gouin, I am adding fruit: blueberries and strawberries. Who knows what else I may fancy?

Add in a few herbs — basil, rosemary, thyme, whatever — and WOW, you’ve done it!

Soon you will be hooked, and more than that, maybe even healthier.

So let’s enjoy this spring, get back to our roots — and give Mother Earth a chance.

–Farley Peters, Fairhaven Cliffs

Bests of Bay Weekly

Dear Bay Weekly:

A few belated kudos:

For “Community Is Us,” the editorial that began the new year [Vol. xvi, No 1: Jan. 3]. A most inspiring piece, and I hope it’s inspired me enough to finish a sailing story I’m working on.

For Clara de Gonzalez Hall’s cover of the March 6 issue [Vol. xvi, No. 10], with the skateboarder superimposed on the church silhouette. A great cover.

–Al McKegg, West Friendship

More Beloved Bunnies

Dear Bay Weekly:

Reading Alice Snively’s “One of a Kind Lapine” [Vol. xvi, No 12: March 20] touched my heart. I owned a honey-brown and white Dutch rabbit when I was in high school. Honey-Bunny I named her. She was very intelligent, much more so than I would have figured on when I bought her from a local pet shop. During the spring and summer, she lived outside in an elaborate cage my dad built. She would manage to dig her way out every few weeks or so, but she always stayed in our yard, mere feet from the safety of her cage. It appeared that she liked to munch on the clover field next to our well.

She would wait for me to come home from school and feed her a carrot. My tabby cat befriended her, and they become quite good buddies over time. My cat would even sleep in the cage with Honey-Bunny. I’ve always been a dog person, but next to my canine friends, she was the best pet I ever had.

When I went off to college, she refused to eat for my mom and seemed depressed. It was a long time between Christmas and spring break. My mom broke the news to me when I came home. I’d lost my friend: Honey-Bunny died while I was away. She was buried in my backyard and we had a memorial service when I came home. To this day, my mother said she died of a broken heart. Thank you, Alice, for bringing back fond memories for me.

–Michelle Steel, The Willows

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