And the Winning Political Strategy is ... Voter's Breakfast
The answering machine at home beeps and what do we hear but a recorded message left from Republican gubernatorial aspirant Ellen Sauerbrey.
Snaking along the Chesapeake Bay, black-on-yellow rises on stalks from country roads. Sunflowers? Nah. Some of the 1,800 signs that Democrat Janet Owens has planted to imprint her name on the minds of voters who will choose an Anne Arundel county executive Nov. 3.
From every direction, we're besieged by politics at a time of year for making fundamental choices not just about public policy but about personal involvement.
That means voting, of course, and if you're not a voter you can stop right here and turn straight to "News of the Weird" because that's where you belong if you can't drag your sorry self to the polling place a week from Tuesday. If you haven't registered, it's too late now.
Now that we've gotten rid of the dead weight, we can talk about the opportunities out there for the rest of us:
That choice, Gov. Parris Glendening or Ellen Sauerbrey, could make a difference in many parts of our lives: in government regulations; in taxes; and, perhaps dramatically, in conservation issues and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay.
Call us names but never accuse us of failing to offer a solution, which, in this case, can accomplish all three objectives.
It's called Voter's Breakfast, and this is how it works: Hustle up a band of family, friends and neighbors. Arrange to vote (while you're educating them on how) at a certain time. Then meet for breakfast to talk it over.
One more thing: If your favorite candidate looks like a winner, pick
up the check.
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VolumeVI Number 42
October 22-28, 1998
New Bay Times
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