Not Just for Kids
Each spring people who are Jewish celebrate Passover. For the eight days of Passover,people remember the four hundred years that Jews were slaves in ancient Egypt.
Even the food that is eaten during Passover has a special meaning that helps people remember when Moses led the slaves to freedom. Matzah, a crunchy flat bread, celebrates the escape from Egypt, when people had to rush out and take their unrisen bread dough with them.
In many European countries, Easter is called Pascha. The word comes from the Hebrew word pesah or Passover.
Parsley represents springtime. Salt water is for the tears
cried by the slaves. Bitter
herbs represent the bitterness of slavery. At Seder, the special holiday
dinner, children get to search for hidden afikomen - dessert!
Most Christians observe Easter on the Sunday after the first full moon following the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
On Easter, children in some countries roll Easter eggs against one another or down a hill. The egg that stays uncracked the longest is the winner. Since 1878, children have been invited to roll eggs on the White House lawn.
(Very Important Bunnies)
Little Bo Peep
(Taylor Rector)
at the Talent Machine Company's Breakfast Party
Kids' Calendar
V. I. Bunny Party Sat. Apr. 11(9am)Kiddies up to 10 and their parents take breakfast w/Mr. and Mrs. Bunny and the Talent Machine Kids, plus animal dances like the Bunny-Hop and Chicken, entertainment and Easter Bonnet contest for girls and boys w/prizes for creativity at Buddy's Late Nite, Annapolis. $8.95. Call Ahead: 410/956-0512 x 5
Changing Channels Sat. Apr. 11 (2pm)All ages sing and learn to be media-smart with Cathy and Marcy at Zany Brainy, Harbour Center, Annapolis. Free: 266-1447.
Easter Goes Paleolithic Sat. April 11Kids see how Easter Egg hunting was done in the old days in this Prehistoric Egg Hunt. Ages 0-8 stalk the grasses in search of "prehistoric" Easter eggs and win prizes. 10am @ Calvert Cliffs State Park, Lusby. Bring a basket: 301/872-5688.
Eggstra Special Sat. Apr. 11 (11:30am)Kids pre-K through 2nd grade bring a basket and a grown up and hunt for special Easter eggs at Borders Books, Bowie. Free: 301/352-5560.
Swamp Babies Sat. Apr. 11 & Mon. Apr. 13 (10-10:30am)Ages 2 and 3 bring a grown-up and learn about baby water animals like tadpoles at Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, Calvert County. Free. Call Ahead: 410/535-5327.
Behind the Pond Sat. Apr. 11 (2:30-4pm)Ages 9 to11 wear boots and get muddy while you explore the wilds at Flag Ponds Nature Park, Calvert County. $3. Call Ahead: 410/535-5327.
Goombay Egghunt Sun. April 12 (2pm)Kids hunt for eggs, eat, play games and dance to the music of Larry Griffin's 3-piece Goombay band. Kids Free. Adults $10. Benefits We Care & Friends. Surfside 7 at the South River, Edgewater: 410/956-8075.
Build a Bird Feeder Tues. Apr. 14 (4-5:30pm)Ages 7 to 10 make a bird feeder and seed chart at Wild Bird Center, Annapolis. $5. Call Ahead: 410/573-0345.
Baa! Baa! Tues. Apr. 14 (10am)Preschoolers hear stories and learn about lambs in Spring at Barnes & Noble, Harbour Center, Annapolis. Free: 410/573-1115.
Peeps, Croaks and Ribbits Fri. Apr. 17 (6-7:30pm)Ages 8 and up discover different frog and toad calls at Patuxent Refuge, North Tract, Laurel. Free. Call Ahead: 410/674-3304.
Earth Day Celebration Sat. Apr. 18 (10am-5pm)Families celebrate the home planet with music, craft activities, pony rides and more at Quiet Waters Park, Annapolis. Free: 410/266-0677.
Tom Sawyer Sat. Apr. 18 (2pm & 7pm)Families enjoy The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and support local youth theatre at Northeast Community Center, Chesapeake Beach. $1-$3: 410/257-2554.
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Volume VI Number 14
April 9-15, 1998
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