Not Just for Kids
The Summit School's
6th Grade Community
is about
Teamwork and
Making a difference.
At the
Summit School in Edgewater, 6th grade students are focusing on being part
of a community. That means they contribute to the class community while
they are in school by being positive and supporting each other - working
as a team. It also means finding a way to contribute to others.
In February, Daniel Schmerling decided it was time for his class to reach out and help others. He brought the idea from Summit's Student Government meeting. His classmates agreed. For over a month students collected non-perishable food items to bring to Lighthouse Shelter for people who are homeless.
On Parent Visit Day, students brought all the fixins for 35 brown bag lunches. Students and parents decorated bags, made sandwiches, washed apples, packed chips and sky blue Oreo cookies. The next day the 6th grade took a field trip to Lighthouse Shelter on West Street in Annapolis. They took a tour and asked a lot of questions after they dropped off the lunches and food. Here are some of their thoughts.
"The Lighthouse Shelter was a small place, but it looked very organized. I felt good helping others by giving food. I think the class did a good job. I hope we can do this more often" - Sara Thomas-Bussell, 12
"It was good to go there and help
out. But it made you feel funny, because you had a lot more than them." - Ken Pierce,
"It was nothing like I thought it would be. I thought they would have walls and separate rooms. They had the biggest pantry." - Mallory Kramer, 12
"It makes you feel happy that you're helping someone. I think it was a good idea." - Lindsay Gandy, 12
Daniel helps organize the lunches students and parents prepared the day before, above.
Daniel Schmerling and Shannon Aiello, both 6th graders at Summit School, gather bag lunches and food donations for their delivery to Lighthouse Shelter, at right.
Mayo Elementary School 2nd graders celebrated spring with their parents and teachers on March 20th, when they planted bushes and bulbs, picked up trash and cleaned the school yard. These activities were connected with the 2nd grade Social Studies Unit - People Who Make a Difference.
Good Job, Mayo!
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Volume VI Number 15
April 16-22, 1998
New Bay Times
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