Not Just for Kids
"Mom, are we there yet?"
"I wanna get out!"
"Dad, Joey's bugging me."
Does this sound familiar? If you haven't gone on a family vacation yet, you probably will sometime this summer. And that usually means lots and lots of driving time. (Eek!)
Well, aren't you lucky to be a Marylander! Whether your vacation takes you east or west, you can make the trip fun by playing the Bay Game. The game was introduced for the first time last year. This year it's back, with more pages and things to do. And now it has a partner: the Mountain Game.
The Bay Game follows a route from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to Ocean City. The Mountain Game traces I-68 and Route 219 in Western Maryland. Games Sites (15 for each game) are marked along the way with road signs.
Check out fun facts about each place, plus (in the Bay Game) the number
of miles left to go to Ocean City. For example, the Choptank River is the
Bay Game's #6 site. When you reach this county boundary (between Dorchester
and Talbot), there's 62 miles left to Ocean City.
There's more in the 1998 Maryland Bay Game and Mountain Game -
Pick up your copy of the Mountain Game at the Sideling Hill Visitor's Center, the Youghiogheny Overlook Welcome Center, or the Deep Creek Lake Welcome Center. Get the Bay Game at the Bay Bridge.
More Things to Do on Vacation
Make up your own Bingo cards. Take a piece of paper or cardboard and draw six lines horizontally and six vertically. There should be 25 spaces. Fill each space with a word or picture of something you might see on your trip (things like a stop sign, specific fast food restaurant, a red convertible, etc.) or things people might say. Use post-it note flags if you plan to reuse the cards. First to get a row wins.
Buy a postcard on vacation and send it to New Bay Times (find our address on pg. 2). You may be in the Kids' Page! Or send us a picture of your family holding a copy of the New Bay Times while on vacation (the farther away, the better).
Call to Campers
Annual Lacrosse Camp July 6-10 (6:30-8:30pm) Boys ages 7 to 14 learn the fundamentals via guest speakers and gameplay. Held by and benefiting the Kevin E. Reichardt Foundation. At Weems Whalen Memorial Field: 410/741-0381.
Wilderness Challenge Camp Thruout summer (8-5)Bike, canoe, rock climb and more during a challenging 1 week session. Bring bike and bag lunch. Campers ages 9-12 end the week with an overnight trip. Sponsored by Anne Arundel Recreation and Parks. At Kinder Park, Severna Park. $165: 410/222-7313.
Super Summer Day Camp Weekdays July 15-31 (9-4)Arts & crafts, sports, dance, music, drama, games and field trips await ages 6 to 11 at either Beach or Windy Hill Elementary School, or Plum Point Middle School for ages 10 to 12 years. Sponsored by Calvert County Parks and Recreation. $390 (child care before & after is extra): 410/257-2554.
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VolumeVI Number 21
May 28 - June 3, 1998
New Bay Times
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