Not Just for Kids
Think Quick! Summer. Sport. It's baseball time!
Chesapeake Country is also Baysox Country, as the Bowie Baysox, a Class AA Minor League team, plays in Prince George's County. This Orioles-affiliated team has drawn a,n Eastern league record 400,000 plus fans a year.
The Baysox were born at Bowie in 1993. In 1992, the "Name-the-Team" contest was held, and more than a thousand fans submitted ideas. The final three: Baysox, Bay Birds and Nationals. The rest, they say, is history.
Games are held at Prince George's Stadium in Bowie, right off Route 301, where mascot Louie, below, cheers on the crowd.
Ticket Prices: Field box seats: $12, Reserved box: $10
General admission: $7 w/age discounts. Parking is free.
A Baseball Fan
by Paul Warner, Junior Reporter
I like baseball so much because baseball usually takes place for most of the summer. Then you can go to more games because there isn't any school to prevent you from going to the ballpark. Plus, the first sport I played was baseball. I grew up with baseball. That's why it has been such a part of me.
My favorite team is the Baltimore Orioles. I like them because they are usually almost always competitive. This year, unfortunately, they are pretty bad for such a great team. My favorite players are Raffy, Brady, Mussina and Ripken.
I usually watch the games on TV and go to some games. When something good happens to the Orioles, I jump up and down usually. And when something bad happens I get very mad.
Almost every year I play on a baseball team. This year I was a 3rd baseman. I also play soccer. Another way I play baseball is on Sony Playstation and the computer. I'm pretty good usually. Most of the time I crush the computer at like, 50 to 5. That's about the highest the computer ever scores.
Tell us about the Bowie Baysox.
The Bowie Baysox is a local team that is an easy 30-45 minutes away. The O's, however, take an hour and 15 minutes from my house in Calvert County. Going to a Baysox game is very fun. They have a playground where you can earn prizes and have fun. Amazing and terrible as it is, the Baysox can be playoff contenders, but the O's are almost rock bottom.
Calling All Campers
Junior Naturalist Programs
Ages 8-9
Lifestyles of the
Cavity-Dwelling Wildlife
July 27, 29 & 31 (9-11am)Investigate the unusual lifestyles of woodpeckers, songbirds and flying squirrels, three groups of cavity-nesters, through hands-on explorations. Bonus: bluebird nest box instructions.
Forest Ecology and You
August 3-5 (9-11am)Discover how to identify different species of local trees and the role trees have in the forest ecosystem and in our lives. Learn what researchers are doing about the loss of or forests and what you can do to help.
Ages 10-13
Be an Insect Detective August 11-13 (9-11am)Study fascinating insect behaviors, learn techniques scientists use to study insects and some threats facing these animals. Bonus: make your own insect collection from your backyard critters.
Explore Streams and Ponds August 18-19 (9am-noon)Discover life in streams and ponds and how pollution affects diversity. Learn water quality techniques scientists use and become a water "doctor" to diagnose water health.
All programs meet at the Patuxent Research Refuge's North Tract in Laurel. free, rsvp: 410/674-3304.
Kids' Calendar
Yo-Yo Trick Exchange & Master Class Fri. July 24 (7pm)-Ages 7 and up come to share their favorite yo-yo tricks. July 25-26 (2pm)-Go yo-yo when Zany specialists custom fit your yo-yo and help you get started. All at Annapolis' Zany Brainy. free: 410/266-1447.
Go Stallions! Register now-Score the winning touchdown for the South County Stallions after you register for the fall 1998 season. Weight classes are 75, 90, 105 or 120 pounds. Future football stars must be 7 years old by the end of 1998: 301/855-0335.
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VolumeVI Number 28
July 16-22, 1998
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