Not Just for Kids
Flash Back to School
schools can be really hard. Last year, going into sixth grade, I switched
from Lothian
Elementary School to St. Anne's Day School in Annapolis. I was worried, but my switch wasn't bad. The school had me visit the year before so I made a couple of friends and met the teachers. Then, during summer vacation, I was given a buddy to call and make friends with so that on the first day of school I had a friend.
To get to St. Anne's on time my first year, I got up every morning at about 6:30 and got dressed in my uniform. At my old elementary school I would usually wear pants and a T-shirt, but during my first year at St. Anne's I wore a plaid kilt and white polo shirt.
Private schools aren't so different. All the kids are the same and wear the same things on dress-down days.
I then brush my hair as I rush to breakfast. Usually I put on my shoes as I eat breakfast. I then run to brush my teeth. My mom drives me to my van pool. There, we usually listen to Raffy since there are many younger children in the van. Because I am the oldest, I sit in the back seat with nobody else.
My first class is Advisory, and we use the time to wake up and finish our homework. Sometimes our advisor brings in doughnuts. Other classes are different each day. Usually I have math, language arts, Spanish, special (such as music, art, p.e. etc.) lunch, break, science, social studies and another end-of-the-day special. Every Wednesday and Friday, instead of a special, we have an exploratory. Teachers offer a bunch of different classes - like photography, tennis, literary magazine, newspaper - and each student picks one.
That is what my day in school is usually like.
-Ariel Brumbaugh Junior Reporter
Back to School Quiz
About how many students are enrolled in U.S. schools?
A. 1 million
B. 10 million
C. 50 million
D. 75 million
About how many K-12 teachers are there?
A. 1 million
B. 2 million
C. 3 million
D. 4 million
About how many students are there for every teacher?
A. 3 students
B. 17 students
C. 26 students
D. 32 students
How many feet deep is a bus' blind spot?
A. 2 feet
B. 5 feet
C. 7 feet
D. 10 feet
Statistics from the National Education Association ANSWERS: Answers: C, C, B, D
Kids' Calendar
Picture Calvert County's First Lady Entries due by Sept. 12-Draw Margaret "Peggy" Mackall Smith Taylor, wife of Zachary Taylor and Calvert County's own, and win prizes! No official portrait or photograph exists - so use your imagination. Entries by kids in k through 12th must be full figure drawings on 8 12 " by 11" paper (any type paper and medium), w/artist's name address, phone and grade on back. Submit to a Calvert County Public Library branch, w/winners announced at Peggy's 210th Birthday Party at Calvert Pines, 7pm Sept. 21: 410/535-0291.
Herbal Birthday Parties Children touch, smell and relate to botany when they visit Willow Oak Flower and Herb Farm, Severn. See medicinal and dye plants, make potpourri from fragrant herbs and visit w/farm animals. Bonus: herbal sweets and tea, too. Min. 8 kids, $7 per person: 410/551-2237.
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VolumeVI Number 34
August 27-September 2, 1998
New Bay Times
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