Not Just for Kids
Make Gifts for the Folks Rsvp by Dec. 4 for Dec. 11 & 18 (1-2:30pm Dec. 11; 5-6pm Dec. 18)-Kids ages 3-5 (Dec. 11) and 6-11 (Dec. 18) make cool Yule ornaments as gifts to give to Mom and Dad. Mt. Hope Community Center, Sunderland. $8: 410/257-6770.
Kids Craft Gifts Sat. Dec. 5 (by rsvp)-Take a break from following your parents around to all the stores and get some gift giving of your own underway at Chesapeake Children's Museum's Gift Making Workshop. Festival at Riva, Annapolis. Free; rsvp: 410/266-0677.
Creative Christmas Crafts Sat. Dec. 5 (10-4)-Spend a day in the Learning Center joyfully constructing holiday gifts in the Children's Craft Bonanza. See what nifty things you can come up with. Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons. rsvp: 410/326-8217.
Snack with Frosty Sat. Dec. 5 (11-1)-Kids ages 3-5 meet the magical snowman, Frosty, and enjoy their fill of hot cocoa and cookies. But don't spill any on Frosty, for goodness' sake. Southern Community Center, Appeal. $3: 410/586-1101.
Santa Wanders Watkins Sat. Dec. 5 (4:30-6:30pm)-Kids ages 3-8 spend a night out w/Santa, riding hayrides, munching holiday treats and spending quality time with the merry man. Watkins Nature Center, Upper Marlboro. $3; rsvp: 301/249-6202.
Santa Visits Shady Side Sun. Dec. 6 (1-3pm)-Come out to Shady Side and help decorate a tree, hear the Centenary Church Rainbow Rangers sing a little jingle and meet Santa Claus as he comes around to mingle w/all the good kids @ Salem Avery House and Museum, Shady Side. Free: 410/867-2866.
Create Christmas Stamp Art Rsvp by Dec. 7 for Dec. 12 (1-2pm)-Kids ages 4-11 bring a parent and experiment w/stamp art to make a pyramid gift box or Christmas tree ornament. Mt. Hope Community Center, Sunderland. $8: 410/257-6770.
Kwanzaa Crafts Wed. Dec. 9 (4:30-6pm)-Kids ages 8-16 stop in after school for Banneker-Douglass Museum's Kwanzaa Arts & Crafts Workshop, discovering the heritage of the African-American holiday and why it's so special. 84 Franklin St., Annapolis. Rsvp by Dec. 4: 410/974-2893.
Pole Post Mail by Dec. 10-Make sure to get your lists mailed off to Santa in time for him to do something about it. If you're running late, drop it off at Southern Community Center by Dec. 10 and they can make sure he gets it. Appeal. Free: 410/586-1101.
Chow Down Pizza with Santa Fri. Dec. 11 (7-8:30pm)-Kids ages 6-10
down a few slices of pizza while hanging with the big guy himself. Don't
forget your list. Southern Community Center, Appeal. $6: 410/586-1101.
Narf Cookies with St. Nick Rsvp by Dec. 11 for Dec. 18 (6:30-7:30pm)-Kids ages 2-10 stop in and meet Santa for a jolly good spot of milk and cookies w/the jolly old elf himself. Mt. Hope Community Center, Sunderland. $4: 410/257-6770.
Make Treats for Santa and Rudolph Rsvp by Dec. 11 for Dec. 18; by Dec. 14 for Dec. 21 (1-2:30pm Dec. 18; 4-7pm Dec. 21)-Kids ages 3-5 (Dec. 18) and 6-11 (Dec. 21) get ready to welcome Santa down the chimney by baking cookies for him and cutting carrots for Rudolph. Mt. Hope Community Center, Sunderland. $8: 410/257-6770.
Kids' Christmas Symphony Sat. Dec. 12 (1pm)-Bring the family and get taken in by the merry music of the US Naval Academy Band as they play popular holiday tunes and pop up with more than a few surprises - including one visitor from the North Pole. Mitscher Hall, USNA. Free: 410/293-0263.
Old Time Christmas Sat. Dec. 12 (1-4pm)-You mean there was a time when Christmas had no video games, radio-controlled cars, basketballs, videos and other cool stuff? Egad! See what kids of long ago enjoyed for their Christmases and why they might not have been so unlucky as you may think. Take a tour, create crafts and enjoy refreshments as the folks of Belair mansion fill you in. 12207 Tulip Grove Dr., Bowie. $15; rsvp: 301/809-3089.
Natural Noel Sat. Dec. 19 (2:30-4:30pm)-Kids ages 9-11 explore nature to find and build ornaments from all sorts of nifty natural materials. Create acorn skiers, nutty owls, pine cone angels, corncob hobby horses & pigs, pine cone birds & angels, or design and build your own ideas. Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, Port Republic. $3; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
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VolumeVI Number 47
Nov. 26 - Dec. 2, 1998
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