Letters to the Editor

Volume VI Number 27
July 9-15, 1998

Carousels Go Two More Rounds

Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:

Reading M.L. Faunce's article on carousels [May 14-20], I remember that in the late 1950s, my school class got a tour of the working Herschell Carousel Factory Museum in North Tonawanda, New York, between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Since then, it went out of business. But the museum has the history, gifts, tours and so on, plus a working carousel. It's very nice.

-Frank Gwozdz, Crofton


Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:

Thank you so much for M.L. Faunce's wonderful article about carousels [May 14-20]. All of us here at the Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum have enjoyed sharing it with our friends.

I get requests for information about the history of the carousel quite frequently, so I will have your nice article to share with these folks.

Thanks for taking such a deep interest in our story. We have many more we could share with you.

-Harriet M. Stout, Curator: Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum

NBT: Our Link to Our New Community

Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:

My husband and I are empty-nesters who've just moved to Southern Anne Arundel County from Annapolis. We love it down here, and we want to give our business to local people. New Bay Times has helped us find where to get things done.

I took my car to Coastal Auto Care after I saw their advertisement in New Bay Times, and I was very pleased. They gave a free estimate for the service I wanted, while three other auto mechanics said they'd charge over $100 just to look at the problem. On other work, their prices were very reasonable.

So I wanted to tell you that we love your paper and depend on it.

-Mary Rose, Deale

Preserve WWII History

Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:

I would like to ask your cooperation in my effort to reach as many World War II veterans, defense workers and their families as possible to help save the personal legacy of World War II. The experiences and memorabilia of those who served in the armed forces and defence industries is a valuable part of this nation's history. The Florida State University Department of History has set up The Institute on World War II and the Human Experience to collect and preserve this physical heritage for research, teaching and exhibition. If you or someone you know may have letters, diaries, photographs or other momentos of the period, please contact the Institute at the Department of History; Florida State University; Tallahassee, FL 32306-2200; 850/644-9541.

We will be delighted to answer any questions concerning the future of materials given to the Institute.


-William O. Oldson, Professor of History




-Elena F. Richburg, Assistant Archival Manager, Institute on World War II and the Human Experience



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