Volume VII Number 14
April 8-14 1999
- On Our Cover: "Our yard, just
two blocks from the Chesapeake Bay, was going to be wonderful: lots of
perennials, flowering shrubs and trees, a big space for growing vegetables,"
writes Patricia Acton in our spring gardening feature. "But first,
our ugly-duckling, one-third acre needed a total transformation."
- Dock of the Bay
Down the Drain? Gardeners Love Compro; Foes Say It Stinks
* Players Storm Beaches, Tickle Audiences * Sweet Music: Deale Gets a Good
Deal * Bay Life - Just Ducky on the Patuxent * plus, Way Downstream, In
Pennsylvania, halting logging to save bats In Wyoming, where modern antelope
roam is on airport runways and last but not least, this week's Creature
Feature: Near Brno, the Czech Republic closes a busy highway to safeguard
frogs - and the police overseeing the frogs' annual migration.
- In Your Own Backyard: How
I Learned to Garden in Chesapeake Country
by Patricia Action --- A muddied tale of dirty
hands and favorite plants
- Go Native! Take a tip from Mother Nature as you build your garden -- by
Sharon Fitzpatrick
- Home & Garden Guide Special Section!
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: Happy at the Harbor
- Editorial Sudden Impact: Owens' Building Fee Hike A Winner
- Letters to the Editor Everybody Loves A Garden; Of Calverts
and Kings
- Commentary Can We Drive Away Congestion?
- Burton on the Bay New Year's Resolution: Get a Plan, Man
- Earth Journal Spring's Scarborough Fair
- Not Just for Kids Summer fun with Gnat Glib and Up Close.

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