Volume VII Number 16
April 22-28, 1999
- On Our Cover: The people behind the paper
celebrate six full years of getting New Bay Times off our hands and into
- Dock of the Bay
Green for a Day: Celebrating Earth Day Globally, with Everything
from Dirty Socks to Mad-Genius Racing * If Its Spring, This Must Be Solomons
* AA's Orphan Roads: With Adopt-A-Road Gone, Communities Clean Up * In
Annapolis, 100 Take Back the Night * plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia,
female crabs may find sanctuary In Pennsylvania, 60,000 turn out for Philadelphia
Earth Day clean-up In Colorado, first Canada lynxes fail to adapt In low-tech
Denver, whacking weeds with Kashmir goats and last but not least, for this
week's Creature Feature, reptile smuggler Tommy Crutchfield goes back to
- NBT's 6th Birthday Special
-- From Us to You by
J. Alexander Knoll -- The Story Behind the Story: How New Bay Times Gets
into Your Hands
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: India's: After the Fire,
Still Fiery
- Editorial The Weekly Miracle of New Bay Times
- Letters to the Editor Feeding Furiously, Cedar Waxwings Spotted;
Chickens as Military Scapegoats?; Mountain Reader Misses Tides
- Commentary For Earth Day -- A Short Reading List that
Hugs the Earth
- Burton on the Bay An Earth Day Lesson -- From the Beavers that Stumped D.C.
- Earth Journal Spring Sketchbook
- Not Just for Kids Celebrate Earth Day with a poem, Kingfisher
to color and more!

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