Not Just for Kids

Say Hey!
'Tis the Season to Play Croquet

by Mark Burns

Looking for something new and different to do this spring? Why not try croquet?

It's really not that new. Croquet came to the U.S. from Europe in 1870 after the French invented it and the Irish and English made it popular. There are three ways to play: American croquet, English croquet and roque. They're different in many ways, but the basic rules are the same.

To start, grab a pink flamingo by the feet and try to get it to hold its neck straight. Bend your knees a little, then swing real hard and knock balled-up gophers through wickets. Be careful that the Queen of Hearts doesn't cheat with trained animals.

Oopsy. That's the Alice in Wonderland version. In reality you'll need a long-handled mallet and wooden, rubber or plastic croquet ball for each person; nine wire wickets; two wooden stakes; and a flat lawn with short grass. The object is to be the first to finish 'the tour of the wickets' and stop where you started.

Here's how to play American croquet:

Still confused?

Watch and learn on May 1 (rain date May 2), when the Johnnies and Midshipmen play their 17th annual Croquet Classic under the Liberty Tree at St. John's College in Annapolis. The winners take home the Annapolis Cup: 410/626-2539.

To create a creature that LEAPS off the page, print off this page and use your favorite pencil or pen to connect the dots. Start at 1, draw aline to 2, then to 3 and so on until you reach the end. You can color it in when you're done.

Kids' Calendar

Butterfly Hike Sat. May 1 (11:30am)-Kids ages 8+ discover the role butterflies play in the ecosystem and ID many kinds on a guided, 2.5-mile hike. Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract, Rt. 198 btwn. BW Pkwy. & Rt. 32. Free; rsvp: 410/674-3304.

Don't Water These Flowers May 1 & 2 (2pm)-Kids ages 6+ craft perfect paper posies from tissue to give to mom for Mother's Day. Zany Brainy, Annapolis Harbour Center: 410/573-1115.

Baltimore's Welcoming Wilds May 1-2-The Baltimore Zoo is finally open again. New this year are exhibits of bog turtles, spur-thighed tortoises and 40 Eastern box turtles. Opening weekend features live entertainment, crafts and wild adventures. Also meet Martin and Chris Kratt, hosts of Kratt's Creatures and the new Zoboomafoo, in 2 half-hour programs (11am & 1pm Su). Baltimore Zoo, Druid Hill Park. $5.50 kids/seniors; $9 adults: 410/366-lion.

Bay Country's Godzilla Sun. May 2 (2-3pm)-Kids ages 6-10 gather round for tales of Chessie from the Annapolis Idea Factory to introduce Jeffrey Holland's book, Chessie the Sea Monster that Ate Annapolis. Barnes & Noble, Annapolis Harbour Center: 410/573-1115.

Discover Wildflowers May 4 & 18 (1-3pm)-Kids ages 9-14 explore spring wildflowers in 1 of 2 Home School Science sessions. Watkins Nature Ctr, Watkins Park, Upper Marlboro. rsvp: 301/249-6202.

Warm Fun for Mom's Day Wed. May 5 (9:30am age 2; 10:30am ages 3-6)-Get ready for Mother's Day at "My Mom's the Best Mom!" a special time for stories and crafts. South County Library, Deale: 410/222-1925.

Celebrate Mom May 5 & 6 (10am W; 7pm Th)-Kids ages 2-6 celebrate Mother's Day in the "Number One Mom!" event, featuring stories, songs, fingerplays and crafting simple gifts for dear old ma. Broadneck Library, 1275 Green Holly Dr.: 410/222-1905.

Explore Rainforests May 5 & 19 (10-11am)-Kids ages 3-5 learn all about rainforests in 1 of 2 Small Fry nature sessions. Watkins Nature Center, Watkins Park, Upper Marlboro. rsvp: 301/249-6202.

Horned Owls and Raccoons and Bats, Oh My! May 6 & 20 (8:15-9:15pm)-Kids ages 8+ search out creatures of the night on a guided night hike. Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract, Rt. 198 btwn. BW Pkwy. & Rt. 32. Free; rsvp: 410/674-3304.

Create Great Art Submit on April 8 (10-1)-Annapolis area students in grades K-12 can create historical artworks to go on display and compete in the 5th Annual Picture Annapolis Art Exhibition. This year's theme is "Picture Annapolis 350 Years Ago." Winners get gift certificates, savings bonds and ribbons at a McBride Gallery reception on May 13 (7pm). Categories include log home, planting, Puritans cooking, Susquehannock Indians, William Paca House, fishing, building a fort, burning of the Peggy Stuart, ferry crossing the Severn, playing lacrosse, riding horses and trading goods. Media include crayon, watercolor, acrylic, oil, marker, pencil, collage, sculpture, wood, clay, scratchboard, photography, glass, fiber or metal. Sponsored by the Annapolis Gallery Association. Deliver art to Cardinal Gallery, Maryland Hall, Annapolis: 410/268-4566.

dolphinsDrawing Contest! Send us your dolphin drawings!

You can be eligible to win free tickets, compliments of the National Aquarium in Baltimore, to see its new dolphin show called Coastal Connections: Dolphins at Our Shores! Read our weekly fact about your coastal neighbors, the dolphins, and draw a dolphin at work or play. Fill out the form below, attach
it to your drawing and mail it to NBT Dolphins, P.O. Box 358, Deale MD 20751. We will choose the winner on May 27.

Did You Know that dolphins' cone-shaped teeth catch and hold prey like squid, shrimp, octopus and skates?




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Volume VII Number 17
April 29 - May 5, 1999
New Bay Times

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