Letters to the Editor
Volume VII Number 17
April 29 - May 5, 1999
Small Area Planning
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I went to the second Deale/Shady Side Small Area Planning Committee Meeting April 20 and listened to the plans for the public forum on May 18. Both the county staff and committee members said many times how important it is for all the community to show up and participate. The format is informal. We will sit around a table with about eight others and a member of the Committee and discuss three basic questions: what do you like about our community, what concerns do you have and what would you like our community to look like in 10 years.
Every single member of our community is going to be impacted by the small area plan being discussed over the next nine or 10 months. We will have the decisions made for us next year if we don't make the decisions for ourselves now.
From what I hear by talking to a lot of residents, many of us want what we already have and are more concerned about what might come. I remember reading what a Massachusetts man, Steve Alves, said about his small community in: "We were forced to examine the values of our small town way of life, and then we voted to preserve them."
Vote with your voice. Please be there.
-Connie Hirschman, Deale
Marina in Calvert Pioneered Shrink-Wrap Recycling
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I was surprised to read in the April 15-21 issue that many large and renowned marinas have not been employing the simple and environmentally essential practice of recycling shrink wrap. I have owned and operated Fishing Creek Landings Marina for four years. We have been recycling shrink wrap through a commercial vendor for three years. The cost is nominal and passed along in the cost of the shrink-wrapping job, shipping is prepaid and I don't fill the dumpster or the landfill with plastic. It's nice to know that others are getting on the wagon.
-Pamela Sisson, Chesapeake Beach
Just Another Beaver Story
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I enjoyed Bill Burton's story on the D.C. Beavers [Burton on the Bay April 22-28]. We watched that long-distance saga with interest as the sturdy little creatures took their toll on the beautiful trees.
We often have beavers come to visit as soon as the ice melts from our lake. Often they take more than we feel is rightfully their share of our lakefront trees. In November of 1995, Nov. 3 to be exact, we invited a group of family and friends to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Amidst lights, laughter and merriment, our beaver friends came up on the lawn, just a few feet from the house, and felled a beautiful birch tree, leaving as a memento a distinctive stump: just another beaver story.
-Peggy Arness, Kenai, Alaska
Happily Back and Wanting to Run
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I'm looking for listings of local 5K and 10K races. I looked in the April 22 issue but saw none posted. I'd appreciate any info you have. Also, I was away from the area all winter and tried my best to find a paper that is as good as yours, but to no avail. It sure is nice to be back!
-Nan Foulkrod, ayscharters@starpower.net
Editor's note: Coming up is the Bay Bridge Walk on May 2, which begins with an early morning run; Calvert County Parks and Recreation has a listing of family-oriented runs, though they're more of the mile-long variety. We'll keep our eyes peeled for more.
| Issue 17 |
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