Not Just for Kids
Pet Flash
Good Dog. Bad Dog.
Meet Chase, a 11/2 -year-old chocolate Lab who -- while being bad -- brings the Piera family of Riva, MD -- lots of laughter and love.
Though his big fetish is chewing socks and shoes, here we find Chase doing two of the next worse things: snuggling in the Piera's bed (where he's not supposed to be) and chewing on a stuffed animal (which he's not supposed to eat).
Bettyanne Piera describes the look Chase gives her as she takes away the chewed-up stuffed animal as "Please, Mommy, can I have it?"
Give Your Mom a Priceless Present
by Mary Catherine Ball
Want to do something neat this Mother's Day? Give your mom - or if yours is a special family, your aunt, grandma, sister, or dad - a present that is priceless. Give them your listening ears.
Beg them to tell you stories about their moms. Take those stories in. Learn about your family. The one you honor on Mother's Day will think it's the best gift of all.
Here's the tale I heard from my grandma:
"You want to know about my mother? I love her. I can't think of one specific reason. She has always been there for me whenever I have needed her.
"When I was a little girl, she worked at the telephone company as an operator. She was a single parent and had to work especially hard for our family. I had two brothers. Sometimes she would work double shifts or the night shift or split shifts.
"We never knew that our family faced struggles. She did her best to provide everything that we needed and wanted.
"I married young and had two small children before I was 20. Without her help, I don't think I would have made it as well as I did. She was a wonderful mother to me, and I wanted to do the same for my children.
"Now, I'm glad to have her living with me, so I can help take care of her at 88 years old. I feel blessed to still have her in my life."
"It doesn't matter what age you are,"
says 10-year-old Andrew Fleming, caught up in the dream of his life.
This Central Elementary School fifth grader is the star of Oliver!, the latest Merely Players production. Fleming joined the group a few short months ago. His mom, who knew of his love for acting, encouraged him to audition for this play.
Oliver! is a musical telling of Charles Dickens' famous story of an orphan's struggles and triumph.
Fleming was excited when he earned the title role. He had found another interesting hobby. Most of his free time had been spent playing instruments, writing science fiction stories or rollerblading.
Now, Fleming urges all young people to follow their dreams, especially in acting.
"You should always try your hardest even if you don't get the part you want, a main part. The play is nothing without the orphans. If you only had the main characters, the play would be nothing."
At this special time of year, Fleming honors his mom for all of her support, in his hectic schedule.
"Without her I wouldn't be able to be in the play. My mom postponed her own stuff, even when she didn't feel like taking me," he added.
Both parents have sacrificed time to drive him to rehearsal three times a week and to help him practice for the play.
A slightly nervous Fleming hopes that a lot of people will come to the play and have a great time.
"I just think it would be a really neat experience because everyone in it is a good actor and has worked really hard."
You can catch OLIVER! May 7-16 (7:30pm FSa; 3pm Su), in Merely Players' musical version of Charles Dickens' story Oliver Twist. Oliver, kicked out of an orphanage for asking for more gruel, runs away from the workhouse he's sent to and is almost changed into a criminal. Baldwin Hall, Rt. 178 & Millersville Rd., Crownsville. $5 kids, $7 adults: 410/544-7964.
Drawing Contest! Send us your dolphin drawings!
You can be eligible to win free tickets, compliments of the National
Aquarium in Baltimore, to see its new dolphin show called Coastal Connections:
Dolphins at Our Shores! Read our weekly fact about your coastal neighbors,
the dolphins, and draw a dolphin at work or play. Fill out the form below,
attach it to your drawing and mail it to NBT Dolphins, P.O. Box 358, Deale
MD 20751. We will choose the winner on May 27.
Did You Know that dolphins produce sounds that bounce off objects ahead
and return as echoes that the dolphin interprets? It's called echolocation.
Name___________________________________________________________________ Age _______
Address __________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip _________________________________________ Telephone ( ___)_______________ |
Kids' Calendar
Horned Owls, Raccoons and Bats, Oh My! May 6 & 20 (8:15-9:15pm)- Kids ages 8+ search out night creatures on a guided night hike. Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract, Rt. 198 btwn. BW Pkwy. & Rt. 32. Free; rsvp: 410/674-3304.
Create Great Art Submit on May 8 (10-1)- Annapolis area students in grades K-12 create historical art to exhibit in the 5th Annual Picture Annapolis Art Exhibition. This year's theme is "Picture Annapolis 350 Years Ago." Winners get gift certificates, savings bonds and ribbons at a McBride Gallery reception on May 13 (7pm). Call for info. Sponsored by Annapolis Gallery Association. Deliver art to Cardinal Gallery, Maryland Hall, Annapolis: 410/268-4566.
Paint Horses Sat. May 8 (11-2)-Design your own horse w/Breyer horse painting kits and learn how to make thread bridles at Be Beep's Breyer Horse Show. Also watch a video on how the horses are made. Be Beep, 558-A Ritchie Hwy., Severna Park: 410/544-1844.
Bubble Over with Joy May 8 & 9 (2pm)- Kids ages 4+ blow bountiful bubbles w/the newest bubble toys. Zany Brainy, Annapolis Harbour Center: 410/266-1447.
Elementary Book Talk Tues. May 11 (7pm)-Young readers in grades 1-3 meet to talk about Arnold Lobel's book Days with Frog & Toad. Borders, Bowie: 301/352-5560.
Preschoolers Storytime May 11 & 13 (10:30am)-Preschoolers lend an ear and sing a song in a sing-along storytime w/Kindermusik teacher Gail Trafelet on Tuesday or hear tales of the land told w/Carol Spaulding on Thursday. Borders, Bowie: 301/352-5560.
Stories in the Forest Wed. May 12 (10:30-noon)-Kids ages 3-5 bring parents along on a hike w/the ranger into the woods to find a quiet spot and hear stories about woodland friends. Treats there, bring a lunch. King's Landing Park, Huntingtown. $3 w/member discount; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Create a Poster Submit by May 14-Design a conservation poster
for the Anne Arundel Soil Conservation District for a chance to win a $50
savings bond or $10. Anne Arundel students in grades k-12 can use anything
to make a flat poste based on this year's theme, "In Children's Hands."
Students in grades k & 1 can also enter a coloring contest: 410.222-7822.
| Issue 18 |
Volume VII Number 18
May 6-12, 1999
New Bay Times
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