Volume VII Number 20
May 20-26, 1999
- On Our Cover: Fairhaven School's not your
typical school. Founders, friends and students dedicated to each person's
finding their own drummer built their democratic alternative from the ground
up. Now everybody inside has to figure out just what education they want
- and how to get it. Photo by Mark Burns.
- Dock of the Bay
Our Birthday Bash for CA$H: Too Much Fun; 8,000 Trees * Noah's
Bark: Odd Creatures Crash SPCA Day * While Calvert Blesses Great and Small
* plus, Way Downstream, Virginia scolded over horseshoe crabs In Pennsylvania,
$68 to be spent to preserve farmland In Kentucky, a hawk saved from Lynyrd
Skynyrd In Massachusetts, pit bull on wanted list for killing trees and
last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: In Colorado, running
like a headless chicken.
- Would You Send Your Kid to
Fairhaven School? story
by Christopher Heagy - As Chesapeake Country's newest school ends its first
year, it seems that being there is as tough as getting there ...
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: Skipper's Pier: Good Food
and Much More.
- Editorial With Homicide Killed, Friday Nights Are Free
- Burton on the Bay No Orioles in Baltimore -- Bit by bit,
we're squeezing the life out of Chesapeake Country
- Letters to the Editor Oysters Cheer Trees; The Chairman Speaks
- Bay Reflection Farewell Watertower -- A Teacher and Her
Young Journalists Turn a Corner
- Chesapeake Outdoors Big Fish and Young Fish
- Not Just for Kids Spelling out poems, word puzzles and

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