Volume VII Number 21
May 27 - June 2, 1999
- On Our Cover: Boating is grand, but in
an instant, your pleasure trip can turn to catastrophe. National Safe Boating
Week opens the season, which we mark with 10 Tips to Keep the Pleasure
in Your Boating Trip. Photo courtesy of Maryland Department of Natural
- Dock of the Bay
On the Town with The Topside Jammers * In Season: The Wood
Thrush * For Local Heron, Lunch on the House * Better Backyards for the
Bay and Beyond * plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, more acid rain, fewer
trout In California, Bakersfield fends off Y2K fears with chicken in every
yard In Florida, Jimmy Buffett swears to sue to save the manatee In Minnesota,
turkey manure goes on line and last but not least, this week's Creature
Feature: From Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, the greatest
manure on earth.
- Memorial Day Special; The
Man He Saved Most Often by Aloysia C. Hamalainen -- Every soldier who ever fought a war
has a story. On this Memorial Day, we bring you a 55-year-old story remarkable
for courage, humanity and amazing chance.
- Back to the Water Safety Special Tips to Keep the Pleasure in Your Boating
by Sandra Martin
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country: Joss Sushi Bar & Cafe:
Festive Mood and Food.
- Editorial In Opening Doors, GOP May Swell (Grow, Too)
- Burton on the Bay What Hath God Wrought? 155 years ago,
the first volley was tapped in the electronic communications revolution
- Letters to the Editor Virginia Clagett Takes the Cake; Death in
Rockhold Creek; Department of Corrections
- Commentary There's No Turning Back the Future
- Chesapeake Outdoors Oysters As of Old
- Not Just for Kids PFD Panda talks of boating safety.

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