Volume VII Number 27
July 8-14, 1999
- On Our Cover: There's something of a scientist
in every kid. Here young beachgoers examine one of July's bumper crop of
sea nettles, those stinging blobs of jelly that only a scientist can love.
Photo by Mark Burns.
- Dock of the Bay
Emissions Inspection: Taking Our Test as We Take Theirs *
Update: Shrinking Boat Pollution: AA Partnership Wraps It Up * Cool Spots
to Beat the Heat: We Visit Chesapeake Beach Water Park * plus, Way Downstream,
In Virginia, Good Earth Farm School teaches friendly farming In Texas,
teenager escapes the jaws of a rare catch In California, cats meow that
litter's not fatal In Seattle, a choir serenades the Puget Sound whales
with sweet sounds plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature:
In San Francisco, a band of four-legged munching machines eat up the competition.
- Dear Editor: I have a story
to tell by Cheryl Emery -- For a long time,
nobody knew what was playing havoc with Cheryl Emery's body and mind. Then
she found out it was the bite of a tiny tick ...
- Hunting the Stinging Jellyfish
by Leda Rose -- Once again this year, the
sea nettles are here. We don't like them any better, but we've learned
a bit more about them and their place in the great chain of being. Yes,
scientists report, even a sea nettle can do some good.
- Bay Bites El Toro Bravo spices up West Street.
- Editorial On AA-Calvert Border, Regional Vision Needed
- Letters to the Editor Sen. Pres. Heaps Praise on Heagy; Save Yourself
and Your Pet from Lyme Disease; Mystery Writer Heaps Praise on Burns
- Bay Reflection Of Woodpeckers and Men
- Burton on the Bay Backyard Birding
- Chesapeake Outdoors Acts on Credit
- Not Just for Kids Kids Say No to Site 104

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