VII Number 29
July 22-28, 1999
- On Our Cover: After 330 miles, long-distance
biker Anna Chaney, of Friendship, still has the energy to hoist her bike
in a victory salute. Photo courtesy of Anna Chaney.
- Dock of the Bay
Drought Three Ways: In Perspective; In the Garden; For the
Birds · Breaking Up Boats: Some Derelicts Evicted from Rockhold
Creek · FTC's New Hotline Seeks to Stop Sticky Fingers ·
plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, will Constitution block New York garbage?
In Georgia, the Chattooga River shows nature at its worst In Indonesia,
cell phone sparks a fire scare In land of the Maltese Falcon, hunting hinders
headway of European Union plus, last but not least, this week's Creature
Feature: In North Carolina, little porker adopted after appearing in baseball
mid-inning chase.
- No Length's Too Far for
a Good Cause Anna
Chaney's 330-Mile Ride by Mary Catherine Ball -- As in the journey of a
thousand miles, the first miles were the hardest. By mile 150 or so, Chaney
knew she'd met and mastered another challenge.
- Bay Life: Boat Rides on the
Bay Virtual Steamboating
on the Bay by M.L. Faunce
- Bay Bites Old Stein Inn: Oktoberfest All Year
- Editorial Deep-Six Site 104 Now
- Letters to the Editor Afford to Be Picky?; Kudos for Kristin
- Commentary One More Lost Hero: John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- Burton on the Bay All the Little Fishes
- Chesapeake Outdoors Mysteries of the Underwater Grasses Revealed
- Not Just for Kids Summer vacation: real and imagined

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