Volume VII Number 30
July 29 - August 4, 1999
- On Our Cover: Chesapeake Beach's Gerald
Donovan - mayor and just about the biggest fish in the town pond - strikes
a confident pose at the bar of Rod 'n' Reel, one of three restaurants he
owns with his brother Fred. Inside, he talks with NBT about the Cancer
Gala and what's upcoming for Rod 'n' Reel and Chesapeake Beach.
- Dock of the Bay
Bay Life - Heifetz Institute Stirs Annapolis with High-Class
Music · In AA County, 25 More Acres for Play · plus, Way
Downstream, In Virginia, crab survey of sooks shows shallow numbers In
British Columbia, treejackers tracked down through DNA testing In Florida,
anti-drug plan encourages plant homicide In Washington, recycled computers
can't compete with old cans plus, last but not least, this week's Creature
Feature: In California, live lobster games lead to laying down the law.
- New Bay Times Interview: Chesapeake
Beach's Gerald Donovan with Sandra Martin. As Cancer Gala reaches for the million-dollar
mark, Gerald Donovan is about to make another big splash in Chesapeake
Beach's little pond.
- Bay Bites A taste of nostalgia and more at Fred's.
- Editorial Rights and Frights of Jetski Warriors
- Letters to the Editor Stop Sewer Creep; North Beach Keeps Getting
- Bay Reflection It's Bay Bridge Safety Week: Thoughts in
- Burton on the Bay A Welcome Bird is the Pelican
- Chesapeake Outdoors Crabs Weren't the Only Pugnacious Ones
- Not Just for Kids Summer vacation: real and imagined

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