Volume VII Number 31
August 5-11, 1999
- On Our Cover: From winning team to winning
team - from Davidsonville's Little League Gators to Loyola University's
Division I Greyhounds - Kristin Hagert climbed the ladder of her sport.
Here, as a St. Mary's Saint, Hagert guards against the attack of Severn
School's Bess Freedlander. Photo courtesy of Kristin Hagert.
of the Bay The Farmer Who Prayed for Drought
and Won · Oyster Salvation? Finally, a Baywide Plan · Jazzed
up - Banneker-Douglass Beats the Blues · Life in Our Little Bay
Ponds - Neither Birthday Nor Anniversary Keeps a Staunch Citizen Home ·
In Season - Rufous-sided Towhee and Blackberry Vine · plus, Way
Downstream, In Pennsylvania, streams dry up In Washington, D.C., home builders
call for bigger toilets From the Midwest, air pollution crossed the country
to contribute to Kennedy's death In California, squaring off about anti-submarine
sonar's effects on marine animals plus, last but not least, this week's
Creature Feature: In Mississippi, celebrating kudzu since you can't beat
- Lacrosse Dreams: A Tale of
Black Eyes, Bloody Lips and Strong Hearts
by Kristin Hagert. Whatever your dream - whether
you play Division I college lacrosse or sell software - you can't move
forward without practice and you'll never get better without a challenge.
- Bay Bites Gabby's on vacation but wants your advice.
- Editorial Just How Dry Was It?
- Letters to the Editor The Real Heroes; Poplar Island Should Go
the Way of Site 104; Asphalt Land: Coming Our Way?
- Bay Reflection Civil War Ancestors: Ours Whether We Understand
Them Or Not
- Burton on the Bay Take A Dip -- In Dust
- Chesapeake Outdoors Fishing Report
- Not Just for Kids Snakes sssslither into the fun.

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