Volume VII Number 35
September 2-8, 1999
- On Our Cover: "Our students are phenomenal,"
says Anne Arundel Community College President Martha 'Marty' Smith of a
student body that's now more diverse in race, ethnicity and life experience
than at any other time in the history of education. Photo courtesy of Anne
Arundel Community College.
- Dock of the Bay
High School Gridiron Tales: Inside Severn School's Tough
Two-a-Days * Bits and Pieces: One More Tobacco Harvest Joust Fine North
Beach Fested Come Surfside for Shelby Housepainting Courtesy of Abby Orr
Capitol Steps Up to Calvert * K-12: 90,500 Students Swell AA, Calvert Schools
* Celebrate 9/9/99 to the Nines * plus, Way Downstream, From Atlanta, Home
Depot promises new-growth wood products In Washington State, massage for
all creatures great and small In Japan, big bucks for bluefin In Great
Britain, going postal over hydrangeas plus, last but not least, this week's
Creature Feature: In Maine, moose boom.
- NBT Interview: Anne Arundel
Community College President Martha Smith with
Mary Catherine Ball -- School's not just for kids anymore, especially at
Anne Arundel Community College, where every semester 18,000 or so people
of all ages - single to triple digits - discover that learning's a lifelong
adventure as well as a passport to a profitable 21st century. Turn to page
10 to listen in on the dialogue between two women who began at the college
in the same year: President Martha Smith and about-to-be UMD graduate Mary
Catherine Ball.
- Bay Bites Old Time Chesapeake Dining in Pasadena
- Editorial Our Snitching Society
- Letters to the Editor Vegetarianism Protects Health; Recovering
under Neighborly Care after Rabid Raccoon Attack; Brown Crew Turn
NBT Pages
- Bay Reflection How Big is Too Big for Anne Arundel County?
- Not Burton on the Bay When Your Dish Needs Fish
- Chesapeake Outdoors Blues Jam
- Not Just for Kids Max gets a bath

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