Volume VII Number 36
September 9-15, 1999
Our Cover: The
best of times: Savoring the fruit of four months of hard work and many
years of dreams are Tsunami's four founding friends: Gavin Buckley and
Julie Williams, Kristin Lewis and Jody Danek. Photo by Brittanie Oakley.
- Dock of the Bay
Hurricane Watch: Who's Who & What to Do * Bits and Pieces:
Big Feat: Delbert Drives off Dennis ... Dennis Drives off Concert in the
Parks ... Meanwhile, it's 1526 at Renaissance Festival ... Fairly Amazed
at Maryland State Fair ... Don't Get Sand in Your Seafood * Look Out Hillary,
George W. - Capitol Steps Prods Pols in Calvert * Come into My Parlor,
Say the Spiders Everywhere * plus, Way Downstream, In Newport, R.I., water
taxis run on cooking oil ... In California, viruses in Pacific threaten
swimmers ... In Utah, fined for electrocuting eagles ... In Greenwich,
N.Y., barn runoff lethally fouls state fair water supply ... From Japan,
an odor-absorbing paint ... plus, last but not least, this week's Creature
Feature: World's turtles on the brink of extinction.\
- Tsunami ~ West Street's New Wave -- What's a
Pacific Rim Upstart Doing on a Street Like This? by Christopher Heagy With
the opening of their "Asian Grill," Tsunami's four founding friends
hope their timing is right to ride the crest of West Street's success.
- Bay Bites Harrison's Chesapeake House: Where Fishing
Fools Feed.
- Editorial A Surplus of Fun
- Letters to the Editor A Litter Bit of Exercise; Don't Duck Zoning
Responsibilities; "Gridiron Tales" Praised; Praising for Tattletales
and Snitches
- Bay Reflection September Times Two
- Burton on the Bay Ode to the Old Typewriter
- Chesapeake Outdoors Outdoor News
- Not Just for Kids The fair is coming!

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