Volume VII Number 39
September 30 - October 6, 1999
- On Our Cover: -- Andy Charney of Fairfax, Virginia,
shows off his newly caught 26-inch rockfish. That prize catch won Charney
the 4th Annual New Bay TimesĀBill Burton Fishing Tournament's grand
prize, a day of fishing, food and fun for four at Harrison's Chesapeake
Inn. Photo courtesy of John J. Kirlin Mechanical Contractors.
- Dock of the Bay
For What Ails You: The Symphony ASAP * Bits and Pieces: Bear-ing
Up Against AIDS ... Power to the People * Bay Life: Learning Math by Dividing
the Pizza Pi * Diversions & Excursions: A Jug of Wine, an Ocean Beach
and Thou * plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, Craig Countians soon to share
space with transgenic cows ... Along Atlantic coast, prime rockfish give
up the ghost In California, Coastal Clean-up campaign rewards odd recoveries
plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: Turkey vultures
spoil the ambiance of California town.
- Gone Fishin by New Bay Times staff-- Why does fishing
have to start so early? You'll find the answer to that question plus an
hourly run-down of what 70 fishing fools do in a day that starts at 5:30am
in this week's report of the 4th Annual New Bay TimesĀBill Burton Fishing
Frenzy. In short, a lot happens when you take 70 people out for a day of
fishing. Especially when you've got champion angler Bill Burton and Flummoxed
Fisherman Bill Lambrecht aboard.
- Editorial For Marylanders, Glendening Takes On Cancer
- Letters to the Editor Their Port in A Storm; Frogs in the Cauldron
of Sprawl
- Bay Reflection Bragging Rights
- Burton on the Bay Great Old Captains
- Chesapeake Outdoors Tournament Fishing in Memory of Val Eshleman
- Not Just for Kids A Taste of Guido's

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