Volume VII Number 40
October 7-13, 1999
Our Cover: The 30th Anniversary U.S. Sailboat
Show transforms Annapolis City Dock into a candy store for wet-water, armchair
and day-dreaming sailors. From October 7 through 11, those 'kids' have
full tantalizing run of this candy shop - looking, touching, even boarding
over 450 pricey 'sweets.' Photo courtesy of the U.S. Sailboat Show.
- Dock of the Bay
Floyd Flops: Try as He Might, This Hurricane Couldn't Blow
Most Chesapeake Boats Away * Bits and Pieces: Calvert Marine Museum's Fall
Housekeeping ... Play Mortgage Lotto with Captain Salem Avery's House Easing
the Bite on Big Bass Dollars Follow Floyd * Boating's Best: Herrington
Harbour's Clean, Green Marina * Wanted: Women with the Right Stuff for
Maryland's Hall of Fame * plus, Way Downstream, In Virginia, Mattaponi
holy land may be drowned by proposed King County reservoir ... In Nevada,
notorious Mustang Ranch brothel rehabilitated In Kansas, Oz Entertainment
wants you to have fun at the old somewhat contaminated Sunflower Army Ammunition
Plant From Canada, the alarm sounds for North American fish, snails, mussels
and crayfish plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: Young
Mr. Grizzly dissuaded from tent camping in Yellowstone.
- Sailing Dreams Performance Sailing Makes Annapolis
a One-Cat Town -- See For Yourself at the U.S. Sailboat Show -- by Christy
Grimes Plus a Boatload More to See
- Bay Bites Appetites Bon at Café Normandie
- Editorial First Night, First Ruckus
- Letters to the Editor High Praise from Hospice; Help Carole Save
a Bunny Life
- Bay Reflection What's in a Name? Will the real writer please
stand up?
- Burton on the Bay Over Rockfish, Put Away the Rebel Flag,
- Earth Journal The Cardinal Comes Calling
- Not Just for Kids Autumn leaves

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