Volume VII Number 42
October 21-27, 1999
- On Our Cover: In 1926, Tilghman Island waterman Bob Bradshaw took Alice Butler
by boat to a speck of land off Black Walnut Point. With waves pounding,
the two climbed a flight of stairs to the upper deck of Sharp's Island
Lighthouse. There, with the expansive Bay as witness, Bob proposed to Alice.
Thus began her love affair with the Chesapeake Bay and a commitment to
marriage that lasted 60 years. Painting by Annapolis artist E. Lynne Kibler
reproduced courtesy of Alice Bradshaw.
- Dock of the Bay
From Ocean City to the Pacific, Unity Walked America * Bits
& Pieces: Volunteer Detectives Cover the Herring Bay Watershed * Maryland
Film Fest Plays Maryland Hall * plus, Way Downstream, In Montgomery County,
$100 million county bucks will preserve a Legacy of Open Space ... In California,
a football fan faces a penalty for smacking a loud barn owl out of a palm
tree during a tense televised play In San Diego, the Audubon Society says
the Navy's new $350 million sonar system worries whales while seeking enemy
subs In Oregon, water routed from the Prineville municipal sewage treatment
plant makes Meadow Lakes Golf Course green, but some neighbors cry foul
plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: In Washington state,
the Department of Fish and Wildlife lowers the boom on butterfly releases,
the latest gimmick at trendy weddings.
- Living Treasures Chesapeake Country Grand-Mothers: Three
Bay lovers whose lives have shaped our times
Bay Teacher Mildred Finlon; by M.L. Faunce
Bay Activist Elinor Cofer; by Kim Cammarata
Bay Memoirist Alice Bradshaw; by M.L. Faunce
- Bay Bites Chart House Restaurant -- One More Good
Reason to Go.
- Editorial Loitering Zones a Risky Gambit
- Letter to the Editor With Winter Nigh, Stay High and Dry
- Commentary Front Line of Literacy: In the First Grade
- Burton on the Bay Not Fishing Weather
- Chesapeake Outdoors Rockfish Aren't the Only Fish in Chesapeake
- Not Just for Kids Pumpkin carving clinic

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