Not Just for Kids
Some Boo-etry
By Daniel Dowd, Age 9
The Graveyard
By Mary Brewer, Age 9
One Halloween night
when the moon was full
the graveyard came alive.
There were witches and brooms
and opened tombs.
And the devil's evil eyes.
There was blood on the gate.
It was getting late.
The bats began to fly
The ghosts said boo
The zombies too
Happy Halloween said I.
Here's another winner in the Anne Arundel County Public Schools' 1999 Young Author's Contest. Annie won first place from the county, and an honorable mention in the state-wide contest.
Scary Halloween
By Annie Flood of Arnold Elementary School
Ghosts and Goblins,
Witches' Brew,
Don't scare me,
But might scare you.
Vampires, Bats,
Do they scare you?
I'm not afraid,
Because they're not true!
So tell me, tell me,
Do they scare you?
Joke? What do ghouls put on their hot
fudge sundaes?
Whipped Scream!
Kid Contributors Joey, Emily & Hollie Sikorski
Kids' Calendar
Spooks, Sparks & Cypress Fri. Oct. 29-Bask in the mystery of a campfire's glow while roasting marshmallows and telling ghostly tales or other campfire stories. 7-9pm @ Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, near Prince Frederick. Free; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Lions, Tigers & Bears, Oh My! Oct. 30-31-Trick-or-treat among the animals for Baltimore Zoo's 15th Annual Zoo BOOO! Includes a costume contest and many games. 11-4 @ Baltimore Zoo, Druid Hill Park. $9 w/discounts: 410/366-lion.
Halloween Kinderkonzert Sat. Oct. 30-Classical music can be fun! Wear your Halloween costume and help Chesapeake Youth Syphony Orchestra put on a show. 11am @ Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church, Severna Park. Free, donations accepted: 410/263-2664.
Make Animal Faces Sat. Oct. 30-Create an animal mask or two while learning how animals' faces are formed to help them survive. 1-3pm @ Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, near Prince Frederick. $2/mask; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Join the Parade Sat. Oct. 30-Put on your costume for the Jack-O-Lantern Parade. March in the parade, then stick around for stories, crafts, games and treats. 10:30am @ Annapolis Area Library. For kids 3-9. free: 410/222-7371.
Trail o' Treats Forget the old door-to-door. Don your costume and head for Tales for a Haunted Trail at Annmarie Garden. Kick off with haunted tales. Then trick-or-treat through wooded paths lined with candy-bearing grownups. 11am to 4pm @ Annmarie Garden, Solomons. free: 410/326-4640.
Halloween Costume Party Halloween-Join the gang at Sneade's Home Center for a costume contest and party. Prizes for the prettiest, funniest and scariest costumes in age groups 1-5, 6-8, 9-11. Games, coloring and big fun starting @ Noon. In Owings: 410/257-6573 and in Solomons: 410/326-3222.
Up Close with Creepy Crawlers Sat. Oct. 30-Learn all about these web-weaving wonders from Ranger Stacey. Then stick around for spider fun at this month's Junior Naturalist Hour at Down's Park. 1:00pm. For kids 7-11. free; rsvp:410/222-6230.
Up Closer with Creepy Crawlers Halloween-Get close to creepy crawlers to learn even more about spiders, plus ticks and daddy long legs. Learn which diseases some carry, which ones are deadly and what they're good for. Also meet Matilda, the resident tarantula, and hike trails for more spidery specimens. 2-3pm @ Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, near Prince Frederick. rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Monster Mash Cruise on the Tennison Halloween-Find your sea legs and strap on your peg legs for a costumed Halloween cruise aboard theWm. B. Tennison. Enter a costume contest for the scariest, cutest and funniest costumes. 4:30-5:30pm @ Calvert Marine Museum, Solomons. $5 adults, $3 kids; rsvp: 410/326-2042 x41.
Halloween Happens Thru Halloween-Delight in fright at the 9th
Annual Halloween Happening, where aliens, ghouls, goblins, vampires and
werewolves lurk. Tamer fare includes food-eating and scarecrow making. 7-10pm
FSaSu @ Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds, Crownsville. $8 w/discounts: 410/923-3400
| Issue 43 |
Volume VII Number 43
October 28-November 3, 1999
New Bay Times
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