Volume VII Number 44
November 4-10, 1999
- On Our Cover: Pigeon fancier Al DeToto, in his Deale loft, feels the heft of
a racing pigeon. Members of Hillside Racing Pigeon Club, he and his buddies
are amateur geneticists, depending on selective breeding to develop fast
birds with sure homing instincts. Photo by Christopher Heagy.
- Dock of the Bay
Dear Principal: AA Kids Say the Darndest Things * For Guinness
Sake, Bay Shuckers Snubbed in Old Sod * Grabbed by Nature at Jug Bay: If
the Hawk Doesn't Get You, Toadstools Will * Flu's Nothing to Sneeze at:
Vaccinate Now * plus, Way Downstream, In Washington, D.C., Maryland Rep.
Wayne Gilchrest wants to regulate jetskis ... In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom
Ridge is labeled a cheapskate and his $500 million pro-environment "Growing
Greener" package dubbed "Growing Meaner" In Arizona, banking
Nevada and California water And in California, tax money goes up in smoke
on marijuana plus, last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: In
Wyoming, Kitty, a calico cat, recycled to a good home.
- Pigeon Racing: Local
Fanciers and Fliers Soar in Chesapeake Country
by Christopher Heagy -- What makes a good pigeon?
Good breeding, good food, good training - and the sure instinct to find
its way home from strange, faraway places. 11 Re-Possessed ~ Writer Christy
Grimes introduces Chesapeake Country's own visionary artist - Shady Side
Artist-in-Residence Bob Kelbaugh
- A Bite Between the Covers: Cooking Secrets Mid-Atlantic & Chesapeake
Bay, by Kathleen Devanna Fish -- Reviewed by M.L. Faunce
- Editorial Statues Make Good Neighbors
- Letter to the Editor Three Questions; Ban Wacky Handgun Ban;
Call for Holiday Stories
- Bay Reflection Good-Bye Babe
- Burton on the Bay Why Pick on Rose? He's No Worse than
the Next Guy
- Chesapeake Outdoors A Diamond in the Rough
- Not Just for Kids Snakey times

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