Letter to the Editor
Volume VII Number 46
November 18-24, 1999
Where to Get Dear Principal
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I greatly enjoy reading the articles in New Bay Times. I would like to purchase the book Dear Principal by Betty Moreland ["Anne Arundel Kids Say the Darndest Things," Nov. 4-11]. Where can I buy this book? Thank you!
-Silver Spring
Editor's Note: Get your autographed copy from the author. Send $11.75 to Dear Principal * POB 255 * Galesville, Md. 20765 ยท 410/867-0459.
Local Crab Supports Local Livelihoods
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I realize that I am late in responding, however, I enjoyed Gabby Crabcake's review of Wagner's Steamboat Landing [Oct. 28-Nov. 3] not because of the description of the establishment but because the reviewer brought the subject of crabmeat source into the discussion. As one who has worked to promote local seafood-based economies throughout the region, I feel that it is important for everyone to try to understand the foreign crabmeat issue as it relates to those who depend upon the Chesapeake Bay for their livelihood.
Thanks again for a wonderful paper.
-Bob Pfeiffer, Port Republic
Call for Holiday Stories
The holidays are not only time to get together and begin new stories but also to grow closer by reminiscing. When fit together like puzzle pieces, our shared stories reveal who we are.
This holiday season, New Bay Times will be sharing favorite holiday stories. We'd like your story to be among them.
Write a simple narrative of a holiday experience or tradition you treasure. Tell us who and where and when and how and even why. You don't need to dwell too much on what your feelings were; the plain facts of the best stories pack their own punch. Try to keep your story to 500 or 600 words.
Send a photo or two, too, because you know what they say about pictures.
By sharing your stories in New Bay Times, you'll touch other holiday hearts and help draw Chesapeake Country into community.
All stories will be read. Stories selected by our editorial board will be published Wednesday, December 22. (We're publishing a day early the last two weeks of the year.)
Send your stories and pictures to: Sandra Martin, Editor, NBT, P.O. Box 358, Deale, Md.
All photos will be returned.
Don't delay: Our files are filling up.
| Issue 46 |
We welcome your letter and opinions.
We will edit when necessary.
Mail them to NBT at
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