Letters to the Editor
Volume VII Number 5
February 4-10, 1999
No Tyson's Corner in Deale
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
I'm visiting in Seattle, my 'old' home town, and just received a copy of the January 21-27 issue of New Bay Times. The information about the development plans for the crossroads of Routes 258 and 256 is enough to make me sick.
It is another unnecessary attack on the mostly rural character of the Deale-Churchton area.
We have a supermarket that meets our basic needs. The occasional shopping trip to Fresh Fields or Giant cannot be replaced by a trip to Safeway.
There are already a sufficient number of fast-food establishments and small restaurants in the area, and never have I seen them so full that one cannot obtain a meal.
Pumping tens of thousands of water daily from the Magothy Aquifer? Gee, maybe we too will be able to run out of water in the summer the way other local communities do.
Has anyone considered the expense of security and policing for this kind of development? If you don't think it is a problem, ask the people who work at Annapolis Harbour Center stores.
Claire Mallicote believes the development "will help smaller stores." In fact, they are generally destroyed by this type of development. A community does not need to respect the "property rights of developers" to destroy the community.
I may be, relatively speaking, new in this community (since 1994), but I've talked to many neighbors whose families have been here for generations - as well as newer residents like myself and no, we don't want "a Tyson's Corner in the middle of Deale." A "clock tower"? Sick.
-Betty-Carol Sellen, Deale
Recycling Boat Shrink-Wrap Is a County Job
Dear New Bay Times~Weekly:
It is time once again to revisit the boaters' shrink wrap plastic recycling issue, no? There is a whole lot of it in Anne Arundel County this year that shouldn't be filling up land fills. There are alternatives: waste to energy, reuse in other applications, recycle
Oil is cheap so the economics of recycling are marginal, yet the residue from the Valdez oil spill is still contaminating the environment. Exxon now controls a larger portion of the energy distribution pie, and they can apply more pressure to scatter oil wells and pipes across pristine national wildlife preserves in Alaska.
How long before they have to drill in Chesapeake Bay? Is that okay? Why not start now? There are tons of petrochemicals we can tap in Anne Arundel County. Our county government needs to address this issue, now.
County government has an office concerned with recycling issues. Could you publish what they are doing about this issue?
-Brian Czarnowski, Galesville
itor's note: Recycling the miles of shrink wrap protecting boats stored on land over winter in Anne Arundel County is on our spring story list. But you're right: Unless the solution is in place before spring, to some land fill all that shrink wrap will go.
Dept. of Corrections
Jackie and John Douglass' crab, whose fate was described in the story
"In Spat-Spiced Saga, Shady Side Crab to Return to BWI" (Jan.
28- Feb. 4), is a species all its own. Callinectes douglassi (not Callinectes
sapidus douglassi as we wrote last week) was 5,500 hours in the making.
New Bay Times regrets the errors.
| Issue 5 |
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