Volume VII Number 51
December 23-29, 1999
- On Our Cover: Christmas in the '50s found eager families heading to downtown
department stores to gaze at store windows transformed into wonderlands,
then climb up on Santa's lap to whisper wishes in his ear. That's where
Linda Abbott, left, met her husband-to-be Dennis Abbott, right. Or so the
family legend goes. Photos courtesy of the Abbotts.
- Dock of the Bay
The End is Near: New Calendars for the New Millennium * Familiar
Scenes: Millennia Meet in the South Anne Arundel Calendar * By George:
Locals Praise - and Rebury - Our First President * plus, Way Downstream,
In Virginia, big spending for land preservation In Mississippi, seeking
the Grinch who stole 1,000 Christmas trees plus, last but not least, this
week's Creature Feature: From Chicago, Inuk, a 2,200-pound,18-year-old
beluga whale, travels to Connecticut with holiday greetings.
- 20th Century Christmas Memories Inspired by young writer Kristin Hagert's
story of holiday traditions, we asked you to share your Christmas stories.
Here they are, fitting neatly together like pieces of a puzzle to show
who in this century we were.
- Bay Bites Almost summer at Calypso Bay
- Editorial Owens' Christmas Wish List
- Letters to the Editor Please, One More Christmas Book; Deale Safeway
Supporters Speak
- Bay Reflection My Perfect Christmas
- Burton on the Bay The Christmas that Almost Wasn't
- Chesapeake Outdoors The Season's First Snow Storm
- Not Just for Kids Helpings of Holiday Cheer

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