Not Just for Kids
Tooth or Teeth: Which do you prefer in your mouth?
Have you ever kissed a dog? Even if you haven't,
you've probably smelled a dog's breath. Very nasty. Dogs have stinky breath
because they can't chase away the Cavity Creeps. Cavity Creeps are tiny
germs that live on your dog's - and your - teeth and tongue, and they love
sugary snacks like soda and candy. The more sweets you eat, the stronger
Cavity Creeps grow, working day and night to chew holes in your teeth called
cavities. Cavities make your teeth sick, and that's when a visit to the
dentist becomes more than just a checkup.
But you can keep your teeth healthy and strong. Just cut down on sugary snacks and brush your teeth every morning and every night right before bedtime. Go slowly, brushing every single tooth. Then you'll have a healthy mouth and teeth and you won't have dog breath!
Did you know ....
that crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots and celery are nature's toothbrushes? When you munch on these snacks they help clean your teeth and they're good for you, too! (But that doesn't mean you can stop brushing or flossing.)
February is National Children's Dental Health Month, so try extra hard this month to brush and floss twice a day. Before you know it, brushing won't be such a chore and neither will going to the dentist!
YOU are a wiggly worm,
and being such, you don't just like apples, you LOVE them. Your mission then is to wiggle your way through this
yummy apple and come
out on the othe side.
Start here --->
February is also Black History Month,
a time to think about the important contributions of African Americans. This week, meet a legendary woman born as a slave in 1820-21 on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Upon winning her freedom, she risked her life to help more than 300 slaves escape through the Underground Railroad, a series of hiding places between the South and the North. She died in 1913.
Do you know who she is? Unscramble her name (first and last) and you'll know
To learn more about Black History, visit your local library, or the Banneker-Douglass Museum in Annapolis.
Kids' Calendar
Hands-On Art Feb. 21 (1-4pm)-Celebrate Black History Month Family Day at Baltimore Museum of Art with storytelling, a giant add-on quilt, a speaking contest, art tours, kids' workshops and more. 10 Art Museum Dr. $6 w/discounts: 410/396-6600.
Adventure into African Art Feb. 13 & 20 (1-4pm)-Kids do an interactive tour of African art before making take-home art. Free w/admission. Walters Art Gallery, 600 North Charles St., Baltimore. $5 with age discounts; free 11-1 Sa: 410/547-9000 x237.
Bats Aren't So Bad Fri. Feb. 12 (1-2pm)-Kids ages 8+ discover why bats aren't as bad as legend says. Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract, Rt. 198 btwn. BW Pkwy. & Rt. 32. Free; rsvp: 410/674-3304.
Stump Puppets Sat. Feb. 13 (1-1:30pm)-Kids ages 3-8 bring parents for a nature-themed puppet show by the Tree Stump Puppet Theatre. Watkins Nature Ctr., Upper Marlboro. Free; rsvp: 301/249-6202.
Valentine's Dance Sat. Feb. 13 (6:30-10:30pm)-Kids ages 8-12 get jiggy at the Cupid Jam Valentine Dance featuring hit music. Mt. Hope Community Center, Sunderland. $6: 410/257-6770.
Craft Unique Valentines Feb. 13-14 (2pm)-Create your own stamp from Curiosity Kits and use it to make Valentine cards and pictures for unique, hand-made gifts. Zany Brainy, Annapolis Harbour Center: 410/266-1447.
Let the River Flow Enter by Feb. 15-Kids and teens ages 5-19 can win a trip to DC and Library of Congress to be honored as winners of the 4th annual River of Words environmental poetry and art contest. Explore your environment and your imagination for inspiration. Last year thousands of kids from 44 states and 10 nations did just that - 8 get to go to the Library: 510/433-7020.
Happy 4697 Tues. Feb. 16 (10:30am)-Preschoolers gather for storytime and celebrate the Chinese New Year. According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year is 4697. Why? Come and find out. Borders, Bowie: 301/352-5560.
Peek at Pizza Wed. Feb. 17 (10am)-Kids ages 2-5 take a trip with Chesapeake Children's Museum to Three Brothers Pizza to learn the pizza trade, plus taste the finished product. Meet at the restaurant, Festival at Riva, Annapolis. $4; parents & babies free: 410/266-0677.
Winter Stories Wed. Feb. 17 (7pm)-Kids ages 2-6 get cozy w/stories, fingerplays and songs at Severna Park Library's Winter Stories. Make a seed treat for birdy friends. 45 McKinsey Rd.: 410/222-6290.
Songs for Storytime Thurs. Feb. 18 (10:30am)-Preschoolers get musical for storytime by singing along w/Music Man Mike. Borders, Bowie: 301/352-5560.
Search for Birds Feb. 18 & 27 (10-11am & 2-3pm Feb. 18; 11-noon Feb. 27)-Kids ages 4-5 venture into woods to discover winter birds. Then make a bird treat to take home. Includes story and snack. Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, Port Republic. $3 w/member discount; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Fun with Nature Fri. Feb. 19 (10:30am & 1pm)-Kids ages 3-5 experience nature w/seasonal crafts, a nature story and a walk thru the garden. Tawes Bldg., Taylor & Rowe, Annapolis. Free; rsvp: 410/260-8189.
Cozy Nature Fun Sat. Feb. 20 (10:30am)-Gather 'round a crackling fire to sip hot chocolate, reading the story Stellaluna (about a baby bat) and play a bat game. Come early or stay late for a walk on the nature center's trails. Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary, Lothian. $2.50 w/discounts; rsvp: 410/741-9330.
Meet Pooh Sat. Feb. 20 (11am)-Your favorite storybook characters come to life; this time it's Winnie the Pooh who's here to give out hugs and pose for photos. Zany Brainy, Annapolis Harbour Center: 410/266-1447.
Thunder Lizards Storm Watkins Sat. Feb. 20 (1-4pm)-Kids ages 4+ Learn cool dinosaur facts and get into dino-related games, crafts and surprises. Watkins Nature Center, Upper Marlboro. $2; rsvp: 301/249-6202.
Discover New Wilds Sat. Feb. 20 (1:30-3pm)-Kids ages 9-11 stray off the beaten path to explore some new wilderness recently gained by Flag Ponds Nature Park. Search for signs of winter wildlife and gather up treasures for a scavenger hunt. Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, Port Republic. $3 w/member discount; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Hot Soup Sings Sat. Feb. 20 (7pm)-Bring the parents for a concert by Hot Soup, an award-winning folk band. During the concert the audience gets into the show and you or your parents might even be called up on stage to help. Benefits Plum Point Elementary. Mary D. Harrison Center, Northern High, Owings. $5 adults, $2 kids: 301/855-9649.
Color Fun Feb. 20 & 23 (10-10:30am)-Kids ages 2-3 listen in on a story about colors before watching a show by the Battle Creek Puppets to discuss colors. Kids also help tell the story and make pictures to show the colors in nature. Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, Port Republic. rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Something New for Saturday Saturdays thru February (1-4pm)-Running out of ideas for what to do with your Saturdays? Take a trip w/your family to the Maryland Historical Society for living history, make-and-take crafts and museum tours. This month's crafts include making and playing an African mankala game and creating a sailor's valentine. MHS, 201 West Monument St., Baltimore. $4 w/discounts: 410/685-3750.
| Issue 6 |
Volume VII Number 6
February 11-17, 1999
New Bay Times
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