Volume VII Number 7
February 18-24, 1999
On Our Cover: Some people will do anything to get a job. Here David McCoy, 19,
of Bowie takes a high fall 10 feet from the roof of Six Flags' Western
Stunt Show set. He aimed true and landed on a three-foot-thick foam pad.
His hope is to get paid for doing this five times a day, seven days a week.
Photo by Mark Burns.
- Dock of the Bay
Falling for Work: Job Hunting at Six Flags * 'Geo-Tubes'
at 104: Can Giant Hot Dogs Save the Bay? * State, County to Help Clean
up Big Dam Problem * Bay Life: Les Kinsolving's Radio Free-for-All * plus,
Way Downstream, Over the Bridge in Kent County, $300,000 to save tiger
salamanders On the road from New York to Virginia, 3,700 trash trucks stopped
and fined In Ohio, new Gov. Robert Taft recycles and last but not least,
this week's Creature Feature: Potbelllied Lulu a hero after 'dead-piggy
trick' saves owner's life.
- NBT Interview: Parris Lane Native Daughter Sings from Her Heart
-- with Darcey Dodd
- Bay Bites The food front in Chesapeake Country
-- The Inn at Pirates Cove: West River Hospitality
- Editorial And the Contest Winners Are: NBT's Readers
- Letters to the Editor Southern AA Traffic Report; No Delight
in Deale; The Facts of the Matter
- Bay Reflection In Memory: David Holly
- Burton on the Bay Welcome Back, King Crab-- We've Been
Missing You
- Earth Journal Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good
Night: A Robin's Return
- Not Just For Kids Cub Scouts visit NBT; scramble fun with Black History Month.

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