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Volume 15, Issue 43 ~ October 25 - October 31, 2007

This Week's Features:

Ghost Stories

Bay Weekly’s Smorgasbord of Scares

Halloween is about scary things. This week, 11 Bay Weekly writers ally to scare you, telling haunting tales of ghostly apparitions. You’ll read about spirits unplacated after centuries, dark nights in graveyards, levitations, ghostly footsteps, hunters who won’t give up the ghost, lonely spirits, spooky premonitions, haunted houses … and whatever it was outside that window.

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I’d Rather Be Fishing

If winter ever comes, this grasshopper will suffer

I got to thinking of three-dog nights the other day. It was the calendar, not the weather that reminded me we were deep into autumn. I had done nothing about insulating the family abode up here on the shores of Stony Creek in North County.

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Prepare Now for Frost

Leaving container plants out puts your plants at risk

As you’re prepping your gardens and landscape for winter, don’t forget your container plants. A pot offers nowhere near the protection of the ground, and freezing temperatures are just around the corner.

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Green Your Workplace

Getting big corporations to recycle is possible — but not always easy

Getting a large institution or corporation on board with recycling is no easy job, especially when you are starting from scratch. A good place to begin is to get permission from higher-ups to solicit bids from waste haulers and recyclers interested in new business. Such service providers can provide you with both the supplies to gather recyclables as well as regular weekly or daily pick-ups, depending on needs.

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By the Light of the Moon

These bright fall nights helped hunters survive cold winter

The full Hunter’s Moon shines Thursday, cresting the east-northeast horizon at 5:45pm as the sun dips beneath the south-southwest horizon a few minutes later.

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Illustration: © Copyright 1925 M.C. Escher/Cordon Art-Baarn-Holland; Graphics: © Copyright 2007 Pacific Publishers. Reprinted by permission from the Tidelog graphic almanac. Bound copies of the annual Tidelog for Chesapeake Bay are $14.95 ppd. from Pacific Publishers, Box 480, Bolinas, CA 94924. Phone 415-868-2909. Weather affects tides. This information is believed to be reliable but no guarantee of accuracy is made by Bay Weekly or Pacific Publishers. The actual layout of Tidelog differs from that used in Bay Weekly. Tidelog graphics are repositioned to reflect Bay Weekly’s distribution cycle.Tides are based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and are positioned to coincide with high and low tides of Tidelog.

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Chesapeake Magic

Every night’s a new act

There was a violent swirl underneath my plug as I worked it sputtering across the tidal current. Fighting to control my reflexes, I waited to feel the attacking fish’s weight. But the line stayed slack. Then I saw the lure bobbing serenely on the widening rings of disturbed water. I carefully twitched the lure once, then again — and the surface erupted as the striper returned, smashing at the bait.

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Way Downstream

Park Place on Westgate Circle takes Annapolis into the big time … Maryland’s new biggest tree champion grows in Carroll County … University of Maryland students claim second place in Solar Decathlon … Mikulski slips Guest Work authorization into spending bill … plus, this week’s Creature Feature: In Australia, Science reports it takes moonlight to turn coral on.

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Battling to Protect the Chesapake’s Menhaden

Big problems take big solutions. That’s why we applaud Rep. Wayne Gilchrest’s legislation to slap a five-year moratorium on the factory harvests of menhaden in state and federal waters while the full impact of this rapacious fishery is assessed.

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Letters to the Editor

We welcome your opinions and letters – with name and address. We will edit when necessary. Include your name, address and phone number for verification. Mail them to Bay Weekly, P.O. Box 358, Deale, MD 20751 • E-mail them to [email protected]. or submit your letters on line, click here

  • Poo-poo on Poultry
  • Nukes Are Not the Way

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Trick and Treat

Vultures look and act ghoulish, but they provide more than a good fright

by Maureen Miller

“What’s black and red, sends shivers down your spine, is called a kettle in the air and a venue on the roof?” asked my friend as we walked the village streets to the dock.

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Curtain Call

reviewed by Davina Grace Hill

A challenging night of rewarding theater with Colonial Players’ Kindertransport.

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Dining Guide 2007

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News of the Weird

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Free Will Astrology

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