Chesapeake Christian Fellowship Puts Love into Action

On Saturday, April 30, 260 volunteers from Chesapeake Christian Fellowship in Davidsonville put their love into action. From West River to Pasadena, 520 hands were busy building ramps, replacing floors and roofs, painting walls, clearing wooded areas, mulching, weeding and planting. The work was spread over 17 sites, including Central Special School, South County Rehabilitation Center and Camp Wabana in Edgewater; AA Outreach Center in Annapolis; and Camp Whippoorwill Girl Scouts in Pasadena. The other projects involved repairs and improvements to 12 homes whose residents were experiencing financial and physical limitations.
    One example of the impact of the volunteers’ efforts is the project undertaken in the Holly Harbor Community in Edgewater. Two special ladies in that community submitted a request on behalf of their neighbor, Barry Wilhite, a double amputee, whose house was in need of a wheelchair-accessible ramp and other structural repairs.
    Until now, Mr. Wilhite has had to crawl up the pavement and steps in front of his house. To make matters worse, a leak in the roof caused large puddles on the walkway whenever it rained. A team of 20 volunteers built the badly needed ramp, fixed the sagging roof and rotting pillars and made other repairs. As an added touch, the volunteers planted flowers.
    As a result of their hard work, Mr. Wilhite now has a much more accessible and structurally sound living environment. This project, like the other projects, took only eight hours, but it has immeasurably enhanced the quality of Mr. Wilhite’s life. As for the volunteers, they have the satisfaction of having put their love into action for the betterment of their community and fellow man.

–Erika McGrew, Shady Side