

Where Is the Osprey Saga?

Dear Bay Weekly:

I am distressed. May 20 is the second week that Michael Koblos’ saga of Oliver and Olivia Osprey has not appeared in Bay Weekly. I have been following the story of this osprey family through the author’s firsthand observations. Mr. Koblos’ writing has provided insights into the life of these great sea birds of prey. Please continue this delightful saga without interruption.

–Terry Morr, Solomons

Editor’s reply: To make up for our omissions, this week we bring you three weeks of The Osprey Saga.

More Chocolate

Dear Bay Weekly:

In reference to Daniel Manning’s May 20 story. “One More Reason to Love Chocolate,” I send you a chocolate poem.

I just bought six dark-chocolate bars.

Enjoy the lovely weather and a chocolate drop!

Confronted by this box of chocolates

all liqueur-filled, a fancy mix,

I understand the alcoholic’s

yen, the junkie’s need for fix.

No matter chocolates are years old,

forgotten for long seasons in a drawer.

I crave sweetness and unfurl the gold

foil that wraps these fragrant shapes

for I can’t wait. 

Could this next contain

the secret of long love and life

or merely make me fat?

And yet

they’re dark, 80 percent real cocoa, so however rife

with booze and sin and calories,

I nibble without guilt

until I choke or croak.

–Elisavietta Ritchie, Broomes Island