From Your Garden
In a 10-by-20-foot plot at Goshen Farm’s Sharing Garden in Cape St. Claire, my family has built a little organic city. Furgurson’s Folly, my father dubbed it.
On one end are tomatoes, fat to the point of splitting, interspersed with basil plants. On the other, two trellises host green beans, one so abundant the trellis teeters over our plot’s edge.
Between them on one side thrive jalapenos and carmen peppers. On the other, cucumber and zucchini wane.
Opposite the squash is a swath open for new development. A couple of weeks ago, lettuce grew there en masse.
Now, our chief harvest is tomatoes. On our most recent trip, we picked a bagful. One was so huge it came out in sections. Many more have yet to ripen. For the next few weeks, tomato sandwiches will be inescapable.
Furgurson’s Folly takes up two of the 54 plots in the sharing garden. Ours set us back $25 per plot plus a $30 membership fee:
–Jesse Furgurson, Bay Weekly intern
What’s growing in your garden? Send a photo and description of your latest harvest to