Happy ending for CAWL kitty

Dear editor,

Just to let you know, Hal’s story has such a happy ending. A lady saw his picture and story and just couldn’t let him stay at CAWL. Hal can be a little moody and she accepted that. Turns out he needed major surgery and had all his teeth removed. She has nursed him through that and they are as happy as can be. At times it hasn’t been too easy for her but she is an angel and didn’t give up. Hal is one lucky cat thanks to your article.

We have a very sweet cat at the center that would love to find a home. Meet Tootsie.

Tootsie came to us with her five kittens. She was a good mother and now that all of her babies have found their forever homes, she is patiently waiting to find hers. She is very sweet, loving and laid back. Tootsie is a year and a half old and gets along well with other cats.

Please come by and meet Tootsie and see how sweet she is. If you are interested please email Calvert Animal Welfare League at cawl@comcast.net or call 410-535-9300. We are open to the public on Saturdays from 11-3.

–Sharon Fortuna, Calvert Animal Welfare League