Learning to Use Circle Hooks
My experience with circle hooks began some 20 years ago, when I took part in the Maryland Department of Natural Resources project studying mortality in rockfish caught with J versus circle hooks. All the fishers were chumming. In the control group using J hooks, we established that half of deep-hooked fish that were released died within two hours.
The study eventually concluded that circle hooks drastically lessened deep hooking and had a significantly higher survival rate — about double — for released rockfish. Based on this work DNR has over the years strongly recommended fishing with circle hooks, particularly when many caught fish will be released.
This year the regulators went a step further, mandating circle hooks be used in chumming and live-lining, the two angling techniques that most often result in deep-hooked fish.
This good news for rockfish may demand you learn some new tricks.
Circle hooks worked exceedingly well in my first forays this year. More recently, I ran into problems.