Memories & Milestones: Can We Slow the Hands of Time, Please?

The “new” Maryland Dove. Photo: Jeff Holland.

By Kathy Knotts, [email protected]

Even if you don’t have school-aged children, the start of the school year signals that in-between season, technically still summer and not-yet fall, but it really should be its own thing. I find myself trying to cram things in to these next few weeks—drinks with friends, a trip to a park, an overdue launch of the kayak. Truthfully, I have plenty of time to do these things in the months to come, but something about the start of school makes me feel like there just isn’t enough time.

Perhaps I’m just struggling with the idea that I have both a college freshman and a high school freshman under my roof currently.

Why does time seem to speed on by as we age? Summer felt infinite when I was younger, and now it feels fleeting. And the harder I try to hold on to it, the more it seems to disintegrate. Trying to capture a memory, a moment in time, should be so easy now, given that our lives our documented online every millisecond. But a photo or video on social media is just not the same as that memory in my head.

We’ve seen a lot of important milestones in Chesapeake Country recently. Historic London Town turned 50 this year as did Watermark. Two neighborhoods in Anne Arundel County, South River Park and Venice Beach are both celebrating 100 years of history. Christ Church in Port Republic just reached its 350th anniversary.

One particularly important milestone is the completion of the Maryland Dove at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels. Chesapeake Bay Magazine Editor Jeff Holland got to tag along to see the brand new Dove cross the Bay and head to its new home at Historic St. Mary’s City.

The ship, a representation of the late 17th-century trading ship that accompanied the first European settlers to what is now Maryland, is owned by the state and operated and maintained by the Historic St. Mary’s City Commission. An earlier version of the ship, built in the 1970s by Cambridge’s Jim Richardson, was nearing the end of its useful life and decades of new research meant that a new ship could be designed to be a more historically accurate representation of the original Maryland Dove.

Multimedia journalist Cheryl Costello will be on hand next week to welcome the Dove to its homeport so keep an eye out for her story in Bay Bulletin. I hope you are subscribed to the weekly Bay Bulletin, plus the weekly Bay Weekly newsletters.

Thanks to Sue Kullen for reminding me that Swann Farms in Owings also has peaches.

Have a great week, Chesapeake Country, and watch for kids and school buses—your patience is appreciated.