October Skirmishes at Herring Creek

If you can’t wait to know more about 1812, you’ll have your chance at month’s end, when skirmishes at Herring Creek are commemorated.
    At the end of October 198 years ago, the British sailed into Herring Bay and invaded Town Point and Tracys Landing. Up to 300 soldiers destroyed farms and burned a tobacco warehouse. A scouting party advanced to the West River Methodist Church, likely on what is now Muddy Creek Road near Swamp Circle Road. On October 31, the British force sailed to Shady Side.
    At both sites, the Southern Anne Arundel County militia fought back, apparently routing the invaders. Some of these militiamen also fought at St. Leonard’s Creek, Bladensburg and Baltimore.
    “These men pledged to protect their and their neighbor’s homes from enemy invaders,” says ­society volunteer Robin Gross.
    In recollecting their bravery for our times, the tiny Deale Historical Society has no grant help — but lots of community spirit.
    “There isn’t much chance for the residents of South County to realize a small part of the conflict between two nations took part in the area they live in everyday,” says Gross. “This provides a wonderful opportunity to personalize and make history come alive.”
    The society has militia rosters for the five companies from Southern Anne Arundel County. Seek your forefathers at www.dahs.us.
    Skirmishes at Herring Creek: Sat., Oct. 27, 11am to 4pm, at Herrington Harbor North in Tracys Landing.