The How-To Cowboy™
Secret, Magic How-To Fun Tricks
How to Play the Hand Trumpet
Cup hands as if to hold a buzzing firefly
- Left hand on top, right hand wrapped around back.
- Thumbs up, pressed together.
- Blow in thumb hole, softly, then hard. Ah! sound! And on the first try, too!
- Narrow hand cup. Blow a high note.
- Widen hand cup. Blow a low note.
- Stick right hand out. Blow hard. Hit high note.
- Vary right right hand position, out halfway, say. Blow a soothing, mellow tone.
- Note that air volume and embrochure affect pitch. Practice making different sounds.
- Use tongue to articulate, blow smart, clipped notes.
- Flutter tongue to make a police whistle sound.
- Hum while blowing to play a chord.
- Put it all together. Play a tune. Play, “Yes Sir, she’s my baby.” Or how about Prokofiev’s “March of the Three Oranges?”
- Practice every day. On the way home from school. In your room. Don’t bug your parents.
- When ready, form a band (drums, bass, piano or guitar), book gigs at local venues. Play dances, weddings. Become famous.
The How-To Ranch Hand Challenge:
Send your unique How-To Trick to IM Press, Box 5346, Takoma Park, MD 20913 with step-by-step instructions. If accepted, you will see your trick published in this space, receive a LITTLE NED STORIES book and a $10 check.
Meet the How-To Cowboy, aka Edward Allan Faine at Glen Burnie Mall
December 10-23 or visit his website: www.takoma.com/ned/home.htm
Falling, swirling
Like butterflies caught in the wind.
Bats out of season.
White caps on the water.
Like fish bellies.
– Lauren Haines of Annapolis
Kids’ Stuff
Friday, November 30
Blue Moon Campfire - Gather beneath November’s second full moon (the blue moon) and celebrate w/stories, treats and fun during the Once in a Blue Moon Campfire Program. Dress for weather; bring lawn chairs or blankets. 7-8pm @ Kings Landing Park, Huntingtown. $3; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Saturday, December 1
Three Ways to Spend a December Day - Make tasty no-bake snacks w/holiday themes; design and create your own crafts or jewelry. Ages 6-8. 9:30-10:30am @ Southern Community Center, Lusby. $6 each workshop; rsvp: 410/586-1101.
Birds, Birds, Birds - Get to know our feathered neighbors and make a bird ornament. Ages 2-3 w/adult. 10-10:30am @ Battle Creek Nature Center, Prince Frederick. $3 w/discounts; rsvp: 410/535-5327.
Sunday, December 2
Winter Wilderness Survival - Learn to make fire, construct a shelter, track wildlife and find food and water in the winter wilderness at Ranger Brian’s Outdoor Survival Skills program. Ages 8+; parents welcome. 1-3pm @ Kinder Farm Park, Millersville. $2; rsvp: 410/222-6115.
Tuesday, December 4
Make Holiday Paper - Make wrapping paper w/evergreens, seeds and holiday stamps. Ages 6-12 w/adult. 4-5:30pm @ Tawes Bldg., Lobby Conference Rm., Annapolis. $3; rsvp: 410/260-8189.
Copyright 2001
Bay Weekly