Not Just for Kids
The How-To Cowboy™ Presents Another Secret, Magic How-To Fun Trick
How to Learn Geography
Do you have a hard time remembering the names of all 50 states? Just commit these silly poemlets to memory, and improve your understanding of U.S. geography.
Now, let’s string them together:
If Miss Issippi wore Miss Souri’s New Jersey, what would Dela ware? Idaho, Alaska!
You can learn cities the same way. Try these.
- Where did Chica-go? She went to see Beverly!
- Where did Port-land? On his Sacramen-to!
- What did Poughkep-sie? She saw a Buffalo!
- Where did Niagra Fall? In the Kalama-zoo!
- What did Colum-bus? A big and heavy Boulder!
Do you know any poemlets that help you memorize state, city or country names? If you do, send them into the How-To Cowboy and he’ll publish them in a future column. Not a bad deal, right?
The How-To Ranch Hand Challenge:
Send a unique How-To trick with step-by-step instructions to:
IM Press • Box 5346 • Takoma Park, MD 20913
If accepted, you’ll see your trick published in this space, and receive a LITTLE NED STORIES book and a $10 check.
Visit The How-To Cowboy™, aka Edward Allan Faine at his website:
Word Attraction
Geo is the Greek word for world and shows up in all kinds of words from cars (the Geo) to the sciences (like geology).
Graphy is another Greek word meaning drawing, writing or recording.
Why geography rather than geology (which means the science of the world)? We bet it’s because, like these names you’re learning to remember, world mapping was so complicated that it had to be written down.
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Kids’ Calendar
Friday, March 19
Green Eggs and Ham
Play games and enjoy a healthy green breakfast on the Dr. Seuss’ 100th birthday. 9-10am @ Southern Community Center, Appeal Ln. (off Rt. 765), Lusby. $3; rsvp: 410-586-1101.
Saturday, March 20
Mystery Adventure
Children 6-12 come and play detective at Calvert Library’s Super Sleuth Mystery Adventure. You can dress up as your favorite mystery character— if you’d like — or create a disguise and unravel clues in mystery games.
–10-11am @ Fairview Branch, Rt. 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings: 410-257-2101
–2-3pm @ Twin Beaches Branch, 3819 Harbor Road
Chesapeake Beach: 410-257-2411.
Monday, March 22
Preschool Nature Hour
Join Ranger Lisa and learn about the nature and wildlife of Kinder Park Farm thru games and activities. 1pm @ Kinder Farm Park, Kinder Farm Park Rd., Millersville. free; rsvp: 410/222-6115 •
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