Volume 12, Issue 46 ~ November 11 - November 17, 2004
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Letters to the Editor

We welcome your opinions and letters — with name and address. We will edit when necessary. Include your name, address and phone number for verification. Mail them to Bay Weekly, 1629 Forest Dr. Annapolis, MD 21403 • E-mail them to us at editor@bayweekly.com. Or Click Here to Submit Your Letters Online.

Better Smoking Than Preaching

Dear Bay Weekly:
Every so often, I see a letter in Bay Weekly from Mr. John H. O’Hara [Letters Vol. XII, No 45: Nov. 4] deploring smoking. While I may agree with Mr. O’Hara that smoking is not the best activity for your health, I am always off-put by his holier than thou attitude about smoking. I remember in one previous letter that Mr. O’Hara indicated that he believed deaths from smoking were more tragic than the deaths from the September 11 terrorist attacks.

I truly deplore Mr. O’Hara’s tactics. He obviously believes the population to be too dumb to make life decisions on their own.

—C.J. Tatum, Glen Burnie

Gilchrest Thanks Voters

Dear Bay Weekly:
I want to thank everyone who took the time to vote last Tuesday. The outstanding voter turnout was a true testament to the strength of our democracy. The example we set in this simple, peaceful act does more to advance the cause of freedom around the world than any other action our nation can take.

I also want to thank the many friends and loyal supporters who over the years have made phone calls, stuffed envelopes, made contributions and the many other things that happen behind the scenes to support my re-election. It is a tremendous honor to continue to represent the First Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

As we now come together in a spirit of national unity to tackle the challenges that lie ahead, I continue to invite you to contact my office if my staff and I can ever be of assistance.

—Wayne Gilchrest, Kennedyville

Reader’s Choices

Dear Bay Weekly:
I loved Vivian Zumstein’s article “Whooo’s in the Woods” [Vol. XII, No 44: Oct. 28]. It was informative and very well written. She has a nice bouncy style. Also Pat Piper’s interesting article “Thanksgiving for Two Dozen in the Crab Capital of the World” [No. 45: Nov. 4]. I love to read about cooking and how people celebrate.

—Helena Mann-Melnitchenko, Owings

Dear Bay Weekly:
Thank you for sending me a copy of the newspaper with the pictures Louis Llovio took of me at the rally for John Edwards at Anne Arundel Community College [Vol. XII, No 44: October 28]. He is a great ambassador for your paper.

Please commend your editors on the editorial in that issue of the paper: “A Test of Candidates and Electronic Voting, Too.” Well said.

We will subscribe. I didn’t realize there was a Bay Weekly until Llovio came up to interview me.”

—Charles E. Thomann, Annapolis

Editor’s note: Retired Army colonel Thomann attended the Edwards rally as a sign-carrying supporter of President George W. Bush.

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