Volume 14, Issue 44 ~ November 2 - November 8, 2006


Polling Booths and Tipping Points

At Bay Weekly, we don’t endorse political candidates because we trust your good sense to do that yourselves this Tuesday, November 7.

But we aren’t shy about saying what our family newspaper stands for — and can’t abide.

For instance, we don’t think much of candidates who waste our time on matters of personal choice and their views of morality. We may seek guidance from physicians and perhaps religious counseling, but we darn sure won’t be taking advice from members of the Maryland General Assembly on moral crusades.

On the other hand, we see a clear role for our elected officials, from courthouse to Congress, on the environment and Chesapeake Bay.

We need to elect candidates who put a priority — and a plan — behind preserving the endangered region where we live.

Not just because the Bay and its rivers are pretty to look at. We believe Chesapeake Country has reached a tipping point. Only bold actions can rescue us from the consequences of human disruption.

Even people far away are taking note: A United Nations report released in Africa this month noted high up that Chesapeake Bay has joined the world’s waters afflicted with dead zones.

We’ve come to believe that our columnist Bill Burton, who is approaching his ninth decade, is right. We need to elect environmental zealots.

Everybody says they’re on the side of Chesapeake Bay. Who can you trust to walk the walk as well as talk the talk?

This election, we’re voting for candidates who have fought the fight in community organizations and committee rooms. Candidates who promise, without fear of upsetting deep-pocket developers, to manage growth in Anne Arundel and Calvert counties.

In Chesapeake Country, Tuesday is a day to remember that time is running out.

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