New Bay Times Archives
Volume VI Number
36 September 10-16, 1998
- On Our Cover: What are the best American movies ever
made? This week, film buff Edward Allan Faine reprises American Film Institute's
picks. But as cartoonist Jim Hunt - returning this week for his second
appearance in NBT -- suggests, take these lists to heart and you'll be
in above your head.
- Dock of the Bay Primary Actions: Signs of the Times: Candidates on Parade and
Who's That Woman? Behind Closed Curtains, AA Dems Had Better Get It Right
* Drawn to Laughter: Jim Hunt * Behind the Beautiful Music: How an Orchestra
Works * plus, Way Downstream ... Here at home, the Baltimore Sun's Tom
Horton links Ellen Sauerbrey to forces "profoundly and fundamentally
opposed" to Chesapeake Bay ยท In Utah, an $11 million kiss and
last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: Even in South Carolina,
moonshine and catfish don't mix.
- This Week's Feature: The Best
of the Movies' First Century What's a "Little Guy" to Do? by Edward Allan Faine ---
Movies are about emotions, says Faine, not who did what first or
what movie had the most influence at the time. So his list of America's
100 best is a little different from the list laboriously compiled by the
experts for American Film Institute. Compare the experts' picks with the
little guy's. Then choose your own.
- Editorial Tuesday's Vote: Your Primary Piece of the Action
- Letters to the Editor Call in the 'Doc'; Two-Thirds Right
on Summer Triangle; Kunta Kinte Says Thanks
- Commentary History Shows It's True: Every Vote
Does Count
- Burton on the Bay Small Boat, Light Tackle
- Chesapeake Outdoors Cap'n B Turns the Tables; Fish Are Biting
- Not Just for Kids Read Part I of Emelia Brumbaugh's book, Star is Lost. Meet
the 8-year-old author too, as interviewed by our junior reporter (and big
Volume VI Number
37 September 17-23, 1998
- On Our Cover: For catching fish or spinning fish tales,
you can't find a better man than Bill Burton, who here, like the professional
he is, dehooks one of the countless catches in his fish-ful life.
- Dock of the Bay On the Campaign Trail: Gov. G Rides the Bus * In Hot Soup: Md.
Seafood Festival Simmers * With Barber Tucker's Retirement, an Era Ends
* Special Delivery: Construction Begins on New PO for Tracys Landing *
plus, Way Downstream ... From Washington, how much gas does your car guzzle?
In Florida, the Everglades wish Washington would forget scandal and get
back to work In Virginia, out-of-state pollution ruins rivers In the South
Pacific, adventurer Gene Savoy, discoverer of lost Inca cities, safe after
shipwreck and last but not least, this week's Creature Feature: Feeling
froggy? Sing along.
- This Week's Feature: Fishing
Guru Bill Burton with Bill Lambrecht and Sandra
Martin. The 'Old Man' of Chesapeake 'Seas' talks about fishing with presidents,
catching throughout Alaska's 20-hour summer days, filling wheelbarrows
with Chesapeake rockfish - and his near half-century of writing about his
outdoors life, including the one time he missed a deadline.
- Editorial We Get Who We Vote For
- Letters to the Editor More Movies: Reader's Top 10; Dept.
of Corrections
- Bay Reflections Autumn's Winged Blossoms; Tall Grasses
- Burton on the Bay Baseball Is a Very Lucky Game --- Hail
the Big Hitters
- Chesapeake Outdoors That Kind of Day; Fish Are Biting
- Not Just for Kids Read Part II of Emelia's book, Star is Lost, and discover this
8-year-old's tips on writing.
Volume VI Number
38 September 24-30, 1998
- On Our Cover: Chesapeake Bay heritage is preserved
by the skillful hands of the craftsmen whose model boats are on display
for the next month at Captain Salem Avery House and Museum in Shady Side.
Here, Tom Cosden's Chesapeake log racing canoe. Photos by M.L. Faunce.
- Dock of the Bay Model Boats Reflect Chesapeake History * A Field Ripe for Change
* Maryland Mints a Custom Quarter * Who's Here: All that Flutters Is Free
* plus, Way Downstream ... In Virginia, more trash keeps our neighbor the
second biggest waste importer in the nation In Oregon, low-tech succor
for toads In New England, keep that whale-watching at a safe distance In
Alabama, Buffet toasts Mobile Bay and last but not least, this week's Creature
Feature: The preferred fish of a political animal.
- This Week's Feature: Little
Island, Little Birds by
Cawnya Hawkin. What happens when we lose a couple hundred tiny pieces of
the great Chesapeake Bay jigsaw puzzle?
- On the Town Baby Jane Dexter Roars into Ram's Head.
- Editorial When in an Arena, Know the Name of the Game
- Letters to the Editor Three Votes' Worth; Calvert's Vote Independently
Analyzed; Turtle -- and Truth -- Still on the Fence
- Commentary Neighbors, Rise
- Burton on the Bay War of the Crustaceans -- Chesapeake
Crab vs. Maine Lobster
- Chesapeake Outdoors It's All Bigger on Blue Water; Fish
Are Biting
- Not Just for Kids Learn about Crocodiles, Camels and Dugout Canoes when
our Junior Reporter reports on a local artist. Gov. Parris Glendening also
tells us how important it is to read.
Volume VI Number
39 October 1-7, 1998
- On Our Cover: Community theater gives people a chance
to show - or explore - other sides of themselves. From left, A Christmas
Carol at Chesapeake Music Hall);
auditions at The Talent Machine; Lost in Yonkers at Colonial Players;
Little Shop of Horrors at Pasadena Theatre Company; Kiss Me Kate at Annapolis
Summer Garden Theatre.
- Dock of the Bay On the Campaign Trail: The 'John and Janet' Show * An Ideal Day
on Bay: Wish You Were There * Friend, Can You Spare an Iris? * plus, Way
Downstream ... From our federal government and "Kratt's Creatures,"
the Frog Force From the Ukraine to California, this ecologically aware
message in a bottle and last but not least, this week's Creature Feature:
Fair game for gators.
- This Week's Feature: Curtains
Up! The State
of Chesapeake Country's Theater by Carol Mallozzi Glover. Community theater
gives local artists an outlet for their talents, engages audiences, adds
to the economy and enhances our quality of life.
- Editorial In This Campaign, Politics Is Not Baseball
- Letters to the Editor Save 2 for Science
- Commentary Why I Cruise Down The Road on Natural
- Burton on the Bay Bill Burton's Yankee Roots -- Finding
Peace of Mind in Vermont
- Chesapeake Outdoors Forget Football - Go Fishing
- Not Just for Kids Make the Great Escape when you learn how to plan for a fire and
other fire safety tips.
Volume VI Number
40 October 8-14, 1998
- On Our Cover: Destination: Annapolis. That's where
you'll find - this very weekend - a dream fleet of 200 sailboats, ranging
from fleet 14-feet Sunfish to floating resorts and mansions. Dream on at
the United States Sailboat Show. Photo by Jim Gibbons.
- Dock of the Bay The Governor Speaks: Finally, Franklin Point's in the Bag * Fill
'Er up with CNG * Black Watermen of the Chesapeake, 'Saved' by Leggett
* Women Get Their Kicks, Boxing * plus, Way Downstream ... From Virginia,
mixed messages on garbage-import economy In Liverpool, Beatle McCartney,
now repentant, once abused frogs In Indiana, frog tacos fail and last but
not least, this week's Creature Feature: From Washington State, new news
on nuclear ants.
- This Week's Feature: Dreamboats Has yours sailed into the Annapolis?
Find out at the United States Sailboat Show. But first, bring your dream
in better focus with NBT's sampler of the stuff dreams are made of.
- On the Town: High-class soap at the Annapolis Opera- by Kim Cammarata
- Editorial Thanks to Two Red-Bearded Men for Good News (for a Change)
- Letters to the Editor Jaycees' Undebatable Thanks; NBT Trip
Best Fishing Ever; New P.O. No Pork
- Bay Reflection West River Sailing: Bill Heintz's Short
- Burton on the Bay Sign Language: Messages to Candidates
Whose Signs I've Seen along the Road
- Chesapeake Outdoors Every Creature Has Its Role in Chesapeake
Country; Fish Are Biting
- Not Just for Kids Manatees, Oh Manatees! Learn about Chessie, our Bay Manatee too,
and enjoy Georgia Knoll's drawings.
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